Unfurling what seems to be "the inevitable"!!

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Pumper, Nov 30, 2003.

  1. Pumper

    Pumper Guest

    Nov 17, 2003
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    LSU wins out and the Power Ethic awards the BCS NC game to USC....this is a very likely scenario. It is evident by what we are seeing in the polls and computer ranking out already.

    How might this affect our team's mindset? Let's say we end up in the Rose Bowl. This is the most desirable scenario. Will the failure to get their "just due" affect our team's focus? Will the players wilt psychologically? I am worried about that aspect.

    We have to go into this situation with an "open mind". It is "patently obvious" the media and "Power Brokers" want USC pitted against Oklahoma. LSU, despite the vast superiority of the SEC versus the Pac 10, had better be prepared for a "major overlook". It's obvious that Conference RPI/Objectivity/ Etc will not play a fair role. Heck...pundits are already saying that USC has a higher SOS just because we were relegated to playing the OOC schedule we eventually settled for after cancellations. Looks like the "reality of the SEC" is rendered irrelevant. We HAVE A TOUGHER SCHEDULE THAN USC....but USC's is somehow rated tougher. Go FIGURE! It obviously does NOT HAVE TO BE FAIR.

    As fans, and definitely the team/coaches, we had better plan to move on to the "hand we are dealt" and optimize the opportunity. Actually, and granted UNFORTUNATELY for deserving better, we are 1 year "ahead of schedule". I will remain optimistic...but will also be very REALISTIC!!
  2. RabidTiger

    RabidTiger Founding Member

    Jun 30, 2003
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    I am more worried that the players may know there may be no chance now to catch up to USC and they don't play up to par against UGA.
  3. TundraTiger

    TundraTiger Founding Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    Nah, this is about the SEC this weekend, the last 2 champs showdown again, for the first time, the last time...er something like that.

    I would give 2 hoots who we play after UGA, if I were a player,as long as we bag the SEC. Being a fan, I get to speculate...
  4. TigerEducated

    TigerEducated Founding Member

    Feb 18, 2003
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    Trust me when I say this...The players will be JACKED up after hearing GameDay immediately after the game say, "Well, the best team didn't win out there today. LSU just played over their heads, and Georgia just didn't execute."

    Gimme a break! Not jacked up? Come on!
  5. DeafValleyBatnR

    DeafValleyBatnR Founding Member

    Jan 11, 2002
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    Richt interview

    Coach Richt was interviewed in his car on a cell on ESPN or ABC somewhere yesterday and the question was about LSU and I quote Richt answer he said that "it is nice to be able to play LSU again so that you can erase what happend the first time. "
  6. LSUfan

    LSUfan Founding Member

    Oct 13, 2002
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    I don't think this will effect the players, the same way it is getting to us fans. Saban is a better coach than that, and he will have them up to play in whatever bowl game we reach. The last thing these players want to do is lose the final game for these Seniors who have turned our program around.

    I'm not saying that the players won't be disappointed, but Saban won't let it ruin there play. If anything, they will be excited to be in the Rose Bowl, while not the NC, it is still a damn fine bowl game.

    Anyway, don't lose out hope. I didn't expect us to pass USC this weekend, no matter how great we looked on the field. IT might not seem like it, but SC actually has all the pressure now. I feel even a moderate win against ORE St, will not be enough for the voters to keep SC ranked 2nd.

    By the way, you can all thank Oregon and the many bandwagon college football fans who really believe Oregon deserved to go to the NC over Neb (Which they didn't). They, and you if you are this type of fan, are the reason SC is getting so much attention and respect over LSU right now. If SC goes over LSU, it will be b/c of the outrage many uninformed fans had for ORe being left out. Everyone across the country knows the PAC 10 is a cake walk conference, but b/c of Ore, somehow the PAC 10 is now considered a tougher conference than the SEC.

    Thank you Oregon and all you bandwagon uninformed college football fans, you are now getting what you want.
  7. Pumper

    Pumper Guest

    Nov 17, 2003
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    How in HADES do I get the honor of being compared to Oregon fans...

    ...for my comments? Surely, I'm not an uninformed/bandwagon DUCK..SIR!! On the other hand, I just took a deep breath and "considered the source"! It always lends needed perspective.

    I reiterate, LSU must "hoe its own row" and expect nothing from pundits/pollster/pu$$ies who rent for "dollars by the hour"!! I don't think we'll even get a fair shake from the "mysterious computers" either.

    SEC is the #1 rated Conference...RPI WISE. If winning it and beathing the #2 TWICE does not put us in the NC Game. Something STINKS. I'm resolved to the "smell" and that's all I'm saying.

    Your oblique and STUPID references are to be reserved for someone who cannot "discern the source". In case you haven't realized it, I'm telling you to stick to the subject and keep your "personal platitudes and insults" out of it. Capiche? In any event, have a nice day.

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