My dad forbade us to ride cycles. Once my brother brought one home and dad told him "It goes or you go." I will be forever grateful to him.
Oakdale prayers are with his wife, family, and friends. (Kind of makes the Saban, "plus 1" games, and pre-season rankings issues seem unimportant by comparison, doesn't it?)
So did your brother go or stay? :shock: I remember the long ago days on Charity's orthopedic wards. The motorcycle victims were lined up from one end to the other. You'd have to change their dressings and casts almost daily because of the raw meat along with the multiple fractures. Bikes are a lot of fun but too dangerous to put up with, even if you're a good defensive rider. Condolences Peterson family. :bncry:
The city of Plano, Texas, where I live, just lost its first officer in the line of duty since 1920. He was involved in a traffic accident while on his motorcycle--not even a mile from our new house about a block from his police station. After my daughter and I left a note at the memorial for him at the police station, my little six-year-old repeated my mantra to her. She said, "A helmet is the safest way to ride a motorcycle, but the safest thing is not to ride one at all." That point was hammered home with her even before the incident with the officer, as we had to drive by a serious motorcycle accident on the way to school one morning last school year. Prayers to the Peterson family.
What makes these tragic stories even worse is when young children are involved. He had a 2 year old son and his wife was 5 months pregnant.
This is so true and it brings me back around to that tragic story that happened yesterday. Mike Coolbaugh who was killed by a line drive. My prayers go out to these 2 gentlemen and their families!