In the media's eyes, ole plastic face can do no wrong. - Media Ignore Pelosi Nazi Comparison
The days of news reporter reporting the news is dead and gone. Every outlet has taken sides and the spin from each is nauseating.
Pelosi referred to hecklers at a town hall meeting: "They're carrying swastikas and symbols like that to a town meeting on healthcare." Was she lying?
they were carrying swastikas in the same sense that terrorists are carrying american flags. it is kinda misleading if they are carrying the thing in order to show what they are opposing. still a non-story though.
i just said she was misleading. that is different than lying. you are repeating back to me what i just said. if i carry a star of david to a jew and stitch it to his jacket and then burn him in an oven, i was quite literally carrying the star of david. would be misleading to just say the part about the carrying. not explicitly lying though. lets not talk about this anymore it is boring.
Right, and the spin from both the left and the right continues. It's perfectly ok for the left to spin like a top if you ask Red and it's perfectly ok when the right does the same thing according to SabanFan. Wouldn't it be better if both sides just told the truth for a change? After all isn't half the truth the same as a lie? A voter will never get an honest picture of any political situation listening to any of the news media. That's very unfortunate especially now that the news media seems to have so much political impact on elections. The far right is a bunch of liars and spin doctors and the far left is a bunch of liars and spin doctors. I just can't believe the large amount of people that down the koolaid from both sides like it's words coming from a burning bush on Mount Horeb. The herd of sheeple seems to be growing larger every day.
I think it is important conservatives know fox news is the great threat to any Conservative and any conservative movement.
So CNN is the great threat to any liberal and any liberal movement? Fox is no threat to anything and neither are the liberal news outlets. The great threat to both of them is that people start thinking for themselves and realize that they are both full of $h!t.