Every "U" fan my friends and I met were very friendly and eager to discuss the game. The UGA fans we ran into inside the dome and around town were absolute di*ks! They have the right to be arrogant over kicking our butts in the SECCG, but most we ran across were just plain a**es. We almost got in a brawl on the train after the game when a Dawg fan kept sticking a Miami sign right in my face (about two inches from my nose), but we backed off when we realized we were outmanned 6-2. You could tell these guys were just looking to taunt someone to fight. Another group of guys I know were jumped in a Buckhead bar by a group of UGA fans for simply having their LSU stuff on. A couple of them were actually cuffed and put in the car until the bouncer convinced the cop that it was the Georgia fans who started the crap! I usually pull for the SEC but it felt pretty good to watch UGA go down last night. Did anyone else run into this sh*t while in Atlanta?:angryfire
The problem with The U has always been the team, not the fans. It's like at somepoint they told the fans not to worry about any drunken crime sprees because the team will take care of that too!
I was walking through the crowd in the Atlanta Underground area during New Year's Eve celebrations to go to the restroom.. I heard a loud barking noise in my right ear.. I had my LSU sweatshirt and hood on so it was sorta muffled, yet still loud. Struggling to get through the crowd though, I did not register to me until a couple minutes later what had happened. A UGA fan was following me for a bit and barking in my ear. I guess he wanted attention. Too bad I was not giving him any.
Sounds like I have a LOT to look forward to because my wife and I are moving to Atlanta in the Spring (if not sooner).... Should make for some interesting times: UGA arrogance and my quick temper.... :shock:
She was with friends watching the live music. She doesn't do dawg calls anyways, she bleeds purple and gold like the rest of us. Had she been with me, she would have stared the fool down.
Had I been with you, we could have stomped him down. :hihi: Funny though, after the SECCG we didn't have any problems with the georgia fans. Pregame was fine also. It surprises me to hear that they were being punks.
I can't stand Georgia fans. Spend more than 5 minutes around a group of them and you'd think they were playing for their 7th MNC in the last 10 years...... Did anyone catch the UGA fan with the mullet last night? The ABC cameras spotted the biggest redneck in stands...........good stuff oh yeah, how about the WV fan that painted his gut?