Just not buying it... I believe that the Great Filter is still in front of us and our civilization and all others will just never reach interstellar travel.
Never is a long time. If others have done it mankind or whatever evoles from mankind will do it too. Unless we destroy ourselves.
of course you're basing that on current knowledge, when we're almost certainly in store for mind boggling discoveries on the nature of reality and physics, on par or greater than relativity or quantum theory. I wonder what 'intelligent-noise' cancelling 'headphones' the Reticuli have us subjected to?
Ok, grab a bottle of Cabernet, light up a fatty, lay down stare at the stars and think about this - let's say you are going to live a 100 yr lifespan. But the Universe is virtually timeless, or maybe will last 100 trillion years, or get ripped part in 22 billion years....regardless, the odds that our 'time' or 'existence' is happening now is essentially zero. Yet here we are, conscious in this relative time for what seems like an eternity. So, what premises that we have of our reality are wrong?
Humans as we know ourselves today have only been are for what? 40 or 50 thousand years? Surely sentient intelligences have evolved millions and even billions of years ago. What we think we know about the laws of physics and the nature of space and time is relatively less than what an amoeba knows compared to us. The very nature of such minds is totally unfathomable to us. I could list a million dollars possibilities and all of them could be wrong. Or right. Pass the joint.
Ramblings of someone who had a glass of cabernet lit up a fatty and stared at the sun thinking it was the stars.
And the odds are that somewhere far, far away somebody else named @Frogleg was having a glass of cabernet and lighting up a fatty at the same time. Maybe millions of them. Maybe they are all laughing at some guy named kikicaca for his feeble attempt to minimize the infinite possibilities in the universe.
Maybe in all the millions of possible realities there's a universe where peepeecaca adds a thought provoking comment about the nature of reality. BTW, the latest estimate is 10 trillion galaxies with an average of 100 billion stars per galaxy.