JF was interviewed and it was a done deal until last Friday. That's when the poweres-that-be at UAT (Drummond, Bryant, Jr., and the BOT stepped in and put the stop to it. They it was going to taake too much money to get Fisher. Now that's a friggin joke and an even bigger lie. Truth is they don't want UAB to have a decent FB program and they want to keep Fisher available for themselves, probably as OC. I know ya'll will think this is a stretch but if you only knew what goes on in the evil empire.
I don't know whether it's true or not but it's not a stretch to me. With all the corruption with bureaucracies nothing surprises me any more. Thanks for sharing. :thumb:
Strange things are indeed going on at 'bama. :rofl: http://www.al.com/ncaafootball/lindys/index.ssf?/base/sports/116638591067080.xml&coll=9