Tim Brando just interviewed him, and he did mention LSU was the only game ever in doubt, and he feels like OU will win tonight. Tubbervile said USC only has 2 playmakers and he feels OU will contain Leinart and Bush will have to win it for them. He also mentioned he will be at the game and will give his .02 cents on why AU should get the AP poll.
Auburn would flat out crush USC.... Title game should be OU vs Auburn. Now that would have been a good game.
It won't happen, USC will be voted #1 win or lose :hihi: Hey, I hope AU pulls the same stunts USuck did last year. I don't want to take away from anything OU does if they win but I want the college football post season bs crash and burn. Time for some kind of playoff system. BTW, Isn't this the same OU team we played and beat in the NC game last year? If OU beats Usuck does that mean it answered the question about who #1 was last year and that we would've beat Usuck last year? Theres no doubt in my mind we would've beat them or anyone else.
I don't like teams ignoring their BCS contracts and deciding that the "AP title" (like there even is one) counts as the National Championship, but if Tubbie does it and it brings us one step closer to a playoff system, I'm all for it. Besides, as classless as AU and Tubberville ae, this wouldn't be much of a step down for them anyway.
I say blow the entire BCS up and go back to the way it was. The Title game has become such a joke now anyway, the got rid of the things the BCS was supposed to do (Remove AP bias in the coasts, SOS, etc etc) its basically back to the way it was anyway. Get rid of the whole thing and go back to conference tie ins... Who cares anymore...
Actually I care. Under the old system USC would only have to beat another overrated Michigan team for the BCS championship this year. Then OU and AU would be left undefeated and holding USC's jock. At least under this system USC has to get through OU.
Speaking of big ears ... did you guys see Tubby's son on the sideline last night? Poor kid, he inherited those big ole ears!