didn't realize we had a big issue on this here until i read this today. interesting................
Same EXACT deal that that FREAKY chick/dude in North Korea is workin'... Things are ALL F*KED UP in your country - HELL, IT'S THE AMERICANS FAULT!! THEY ARE GOING TO INVADE US AND TAKE ALL OF OUR CIGARS AND WOMEN!!! NOT TO MENTION ERADICATE OUR OBVIOUSLY SUPERIOR REVOLUTIONARY FORM OF GOVERNMENT.... (I'm not sure what we could take in lieu of cigars fron N. Korea)
The best American policy for dealing with Cuba is to wait five years. Fidel Casto ain't going to live forever. When he's gone, everybody else in Cuba is ready to do business with the US. They're waiting for the same thing. That won't work with the crazy bastard in North Korea. He'll live another 40 years, provoking us all of the time. We need to be getting ready for a real war in Korea. Perhaps we already are. US orders 24 long-range bombers to Guam "ongoing force posture adjustment"
The sick humor one can find in a murderous dictator who never had to face any kind of legitimate election to usurp his power questioning the legitimacy of the dually-elected president of the freest nation on the planet never ceases to amaze me. It bothers me that we've seemed to make Castro have a more-important place in history than he really deserves. When you come down to it, he's just another Marxist pendejo, no different than the dozens of other Marxist pendejos we've had to put down in Latin America over the years. I guess Cuba and Castro matter more to us because Cuba is so close to the U.S., we have such a long history with Cuba going back to before the Spanish-American War, and the fact that the JFK and LBJ administrations became obsessed with disposing of him after the Cuban Missile Crisis. And your right Red, he won't live forever. But what happens when he dies? Many say the Communist regime in Cuba is very stable, especially now that they've normalized relations with Canada and most of Latin America. There is speculation that his younger brother, Raul, will just slide right into power. Many thought that, when Kim Il-Sung died, there would be a power struggle at the top that would plunge North Korea into civil war and ultimately collapse the country. It didn't happen. What makes everyone so certain that it would happen in a post-Castro Cuba?