I was able to get the boys out with me today...with first mate Miss Fishy on board as deckhand. The wind nearly blew us away, so we were restricted as to where we could fish...but had fun nonetheless. Didn't catch much...but it ain't always about catching...no matter what Nootch tries to tell ya'.:wave: First of all, THIS is when you know you're in the right place... This is what you come home for... If you're lucky...you get to experience this... And see sights like this... And this is the epitome of "Fishhead"...
nice pics. good to know you are getting to spend that kind of time with the little fishies. and they look like theyve grown like weeds just since last fall!
Fish, that trailer is in Grand Chenier isn't it? I took a pic of one identical there last year if not.
Is Grand Chenier in LA still? Helz naw...that beautiful St. Bernard mansion is in Hopedale, ma friend.