Chris Fowler brought up the subject of LSU's suspensions and discussed for about a minute and then gave the floor to May. Mark then discussed how Carey will not effect our team, but our deep snapper Damen could have an impact. He then gave the floor to Trev who simply ignored both Fowler and May's comments and started his own subject on Ohio State...what a goon
LSUSTUDENT I have noticed this before when talking about LSU and boy does it confuse you when you are watching because their is no warning when he changes the topic. I really dont think he knows how to hold a conversation on the air. I think they practice what they are going to say off the air and then when the subject on the air changes or comes to him I think he just says what was discussed off the air. Its funny watching it. He has no clue
I guess January 5 will be a slow news day for them. After LSU wins the NC, they will have to say,"hmm, not much happened yesterday, not much to talk about today."
Actually, they will be touting Michigan as the national champion for whipping the Trojans in the "real" national championship. These guys are jokes.
Wake up call....Most of the country look at us as a bunch of backward hicks. Just work in the industry I do and you would see the stereotypical attitudes of anyone who visits here. It's frustrating but I do get in a good jab sometimes. I was in line to get something to eat and I overheard a couple ahead of me talking. The woman was commenting on the traffic in New Orleans and said "Everyone around here drives so slow like they have their head up their ass...It must be a southern thing". Now that might be true, but judging from the accent I took offense to that analogy from a New Yawka. So I said..."Yea...but at least we aren't a bunch of obnoxious ****heads like they are in New York". She shut up real quick gave me a quick glare and her companion laughed. Guess I hit a nerve. Anyway my point is that Trev probably has the same attitude that we are beneath him and deserve no further comment from him. Just my observation.