Trev Alberts, The Man, Myth, and Legend

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by mesquite tiger, Dec 15, 2003.

  1. mesquite tiger

    mesquite tiger Diabolical Genius

    Sep 16, 2003
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    real quick thought on our favorite college football analyst.

    While watching the Heisman show (which was entirely too long), Trev closed one of the final segments by saying he has the greatest job in the world being able to sit in Bristol and watch all the college football games on Saturday, and he takes it very seriously whenever he says something on air and stands behind it, and will admit in public when he is wrong.

    Hmm, lets see....

    Trev called Ole Miss the "runts" of the SEC. he never really apologized, but tried to make a runt a term of endearment.

    Weekly, Trev said the best team in the SEC was Georgia, then Auburn, then Ole Miss, then Georgia again. Common thing that happened all the times he changed his mind....LSU BEAT HIS "BEST" TEAM. Still awaiting for his apology here for being ignorant.

    I sat back and agreed with Trev, finally, that he does have the best job ever. I then started thinking that any hillbilly from Iowa with a Nebraska education could make assanine remarks weekly and dodge them later on when they are proven wrong...AND NEVER APOLOGIZE ONCE FOR THEM!

    Trev needs to be fired for being stupid....I vote he is replaced by Keyshawn Johnson or Michael Irvin so we can have some real fun on Gameday.

    This is the end of my Trev Alberts rant.

  2. LSUChicageaux

    LSUChicageaux Founding Member

    Sep 27, 2003
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    I am in the process of wrapping up an "Open Letter to Trev Alberts." It is his belief that the BCS has tarnished college football.

    He is of course entitled to that view, as I am mine: I personally believe his analyses tarnish college football. He is no more insightful than your average tailgater. Experience (and even excellence) on the field certainly does not translate into competency on television (as Cosell fumed), and Mr. Alberts is an example of that.

    His role is to play talking head and perhaps stir up controversy ("runt"). I've never understood why he is allowed to write some of the tripe he writes on's Mark May's column?

    Alberts' "columns" often read like high school essays; using hackneyed cliches and relying on lines like "'s a cleansing experience" to appear clever just point to what is evident on the screen: Trev Alberts - in my view - is a sanctimonious jerk and an awful analyst.

    I am never enlightened, informed, heartened, amused, moved, or interested watching/reading anything he has to say.

    I'm just warming up. I'll post the final letter here.
  3. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    Don't forget the part about calling Ole Miss "runts".
  4. LSUChicageaux

    LSUChicageaux Founding Member

    Sep 27, 2003
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    I should amend my previous post slightly. I don't doubt that Alberts has SOME insight into the game; he played long enough and well enough to obviously understand it quite well.

    He tries to use that knowledge as his leverage over May and Davis (and anyone who disagrees with him)...he's never opining, he's just preaching, usually done in a derisive tone - as if any other answer would only come from a fool.

    It's the condescension that is so insulting and disgusting.
  5. mesquite tiger

    mesquite tiger Diabolical Genius

    Sep 16, 2003
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    hey..Mark May is no saint either. His "USC would beat LSU by at least 3 TDs" comment a few weeks ago ranks up there with the dumbest things I have ever heard.

    One thing I will give to May, he always comes back and takes his lumps when he is incorrect........Super Trev will never do such.
  6. Hachidan

    Hachidan Freshman

    Nov 11, 2003
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    He wants to be the next Cossell.
  7. mesquite tiger

    mesquite tiger Diabolical Genius

    Sep 16, 2003
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    Trev's TV credentials:

    Alberts worked as a college football analyst for ESPN2 while injured in 1994. He also hosted a local weekly show during football season for the NBC affiliate in Indianapolis. Alberts was the first-round draft pick for the Indianapolis Colts in 1994 and retired before the 1997 season after an injury-plagued career. He attended the University of Nebraska, where he led the Huskers to three Big Eight titles and three Orange Bowl berths. As a senior, Alberts was a first team All-America and won the Dick Butkus Award. He was also named CFA/Hitachi Scholar-Athlete, GTE Academic All-America and National Football Foundation Hall of Fame postgraduate scholarship recipient. -CNN/Sports Illustrated- June 1999
  8. LSUChicageaux

    LSUChicageaux Founding Member

    Sep 27, 2003
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    I'm not sure it's a Cosell thing. I think he wants to be like Jim Rome.

    He's not interesting or polarizing enough (in a way that actually stirs debate, rather than just wanting to slap him) to be either.
  9. LSUChicageaux

    LSUChicageaux Founding Member

    Sep 27, 2003
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    Mesquite -
    I openly admit that his credentials are MUCH better than, say, mine. I don't think he's a stupid guy (but he is an ineffective sports columnist) at all.

    All he does is lecture and assert. His "arguments" are unassailable because he says them in such a tone that no one wants to bother. Let the boorish bloat be a boorish bloat.
  10. mesquite tiger

    mesquite tiger Diabolical Genius

    Sep 16, 2003
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    I think he sucks personally. I guess it is ok to give any athlete free reign of the airwaves if they are semi popular.

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