Trev Alberts "Florida is the best team in the SEC"

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by TigerEducated, Nov 2, 2003.

  1. chooselsu

    chooselsu Founding Member

    Nov 2, 2003
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    Guys I already posted the following to another thread but thought I would post it here also. This is my opinion which I tried to post to Albert's chat session which is on Mondays at 12:00. Unfortunately, I don't think it got through because of computer problems. I wish he could read this:

    Trev, this has been one heck of a year at LSU up to this point. It has been 16 years since we could even realistically dream of a shot at the national championship. I am so thankful and am savoring every moment, because us LSU fans have paid our dues, believe me. That is why I am totally frustrated and aggravated by the lack of respect ESPN and particularly you have given our program. Maybe you got hit on the head one too many times in the NFL or something because logic and objectivity seem to be escaping your analysis of the SEC. For some unknown reason, you inevitably pick every big name team in the SEC as "the best" except LSU. HELLLLLOOOO...ANYBODY IN THERE? Let's first you said Georgia was the best, then they got beat by LSU which is dismissed as a fluke (of course because LSU couldn't possibly be any good...right?). So then you jump on the Auburn bandwagon and go so far as to think it could be in the National Championship game with three losses....yeah right! Then LSU wipes Auburn off the field in a 31-7 game that was not nearly as close as the score indicated. So now you jump on the Florida (3 loss) bandwagon and think they are the best team in the SEC. Really, you should schedule an appointment with a neurologist now...maybe its not too late to get help. I just saw a poll on asking whom should be ranked #2, the options were FSU, USC, Miami, and Virginia Tech. Hmmmm, I don't seem to see LSU listed, yet USA Today and AP have LSU at #4. What is up with you and ESPN? Did you get a speeding ticket while driving through Baton Rouge or something? Did an LSU belle break your heart at some point? According to your logic, nothing at the beginning of the season matters, only what you did last Saturday. You obviously have not watched this LSU football team this year. In our first big game, we manage to beat Georgia when we were playing like crap. We came out flatter than a pancake and lost to Florida, so automatically UF is better than us despite their 3 losses...yeah Trev thats logical. I guess with this line of reasoning LSU's 1997 team was better than UF's defending national championship team when it upset them in Baton Rouge. I don't think so. I so hope that we somehow play UF in the championship this year. That way when we beat them soundly you will finally realize that you need help. LSU has destroyed everyone since the UF game and played every bit as well as UF doing it plus it did not take a vacation at the beginning of the year as UF did. Oh I comes the LSU never plays anyone-strength of schedule argument. Here is a "did you know"- LSU had both Marshall and Bowling Green on its schedule for this year and both cancelled at the last minute. We also had Virginia Tech on our schedule for next year and they too just cancelled. Ultimately, the BCS system will screw LSU because of strength of schedule issue that was totally not LSU's fault. In a college football system that still involves so much politics you and ESPN are really a force working against LSU right now. The only person giving LSU some credit is Herbstreet but even he said "he felt weird putting LSU as his #3 but who else is there?". That speaks volumes. Obviously, no one there thinks that we are for real and thanks in part to people like you whose opinions influence others, we may not get our legitimate and well earned chance to prove that we are. If there is not going to be some objectivity and impartiality in your analysis then its time for me to change the channel. And would you suggest to the powers that be at ESPN that it not televise the LSU games anymore? I would just assume we not produce revenue for you guys and I am tired of the TV timeouts at Tiger Stadium anyway. GEAUX TIGERS! By the way Trev, try actually watching an LSU game might be surprised at what you see.
  2. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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    You might want to leave out any reference to his NFL "career". He's really hypersensitive about that. Good email. You should try sending it again.
  3. SovietGator

    SovietGator Founding Member

    Aug 15, 2003
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  4. MaconGATiger

    MaconGATiger Founding Member

    Oct 29, 2002
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    Soviet, those are awesome! I'd love to see that douchebag's face when he read those.

    By now the point that we get dissed daily by the national media is becoming a dead horse but I must say watching Sportscenter last night was the ultimate piss poor display yet. They are talking about all the shakeups in the top 10 since Saturday's upsets and the discuss #1 OU, The friggin Men of Troy at #2, mighty FSU (yeah right) occupying #3, NOTHING NOTHING NOTHING, NOT A WORD about #4 LSU, and a hearty discussion of #5 Va Tech. It's just damn disturbing.

    It's like watching CNN cover Iraq or any conservative candidate runnning for anything. The slant is disgusting.
  5. aztiger03

    aztiger03 Founding Member

    Aug 12, 2003
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    Trev is a monkey.. He has been avoiding the LSU team since day one and will even if LSU wins the whole thing. he is such a jackass I would rather him be against us than for us. It made it better when LSU blew Au out, he ate his own words. He will continue to make himself look like a hole. I think that must be his role on the show... He is the jackass. If everyone sat around agreeing who would watch.
  6. SovietGator

    SovietGator Founding Member

    Aug 15, 2003
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    Yeah I dug those links up when I wrote an email to Trevy awhile back ragging his a$$.

    ESPN doesn't love the SEC, their lovefest is always with the perrenial NCAA powerhouses. They like Tennessee and Georgia to an extent, but as far as Florida and LSU go, you can forget it. Fowler used to rag on Spurrier (Still does) and UF every chance he got for the 11 years Spurrier was at UF.

    Saban isn't considered a media darling either.

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