Alright, I know I have been pumping up Auburn for the last two weeks. They are playing as good as any 2 loss team in the country, right now. I have been reading my emails from you LSU fans. All 92k of them. You got my attention, OK, so I forgot, that LSU beat a very good UGA team, a team I believe has a good chance to make it to the Sugar Bowl against OU. Today, I reviewed the game against Florida and the one against the GameCocks. LSU really impressed me last week. How about those Freshman RB's. LSU showed character to bounch back after a poor performance against FLorida. That is the mark of a quality program. Saban is doing an excellent job and I think LSU wins out to play UGA in SECCG. I will wait before I make a prediction on that game. But mark it down. LSU will win against AU and it won't be as close as I thought it would be, In fact prior to me reviewing the LSU tapes and doing my homework, I thought Auburn would win this game. Signed, Mark May
I don't ever want to hear the initials LSU come out of the mouth of someone who has been sucking as much barner d!ck as Alberts. I hope he ignores us after we demolish the barners, I hope he doesn't even notice when we humiliate Bama, I hope he's on vacation when we blow-out Ole Piss and I hope he's taking a nap from his T-Day yard bird when we hog tie the pig-f@ckers. Then I hope he wakes up just in time for us to shove a second SECC ring down his KY throat to shut him up til 04 when the letters LSU are followed by preseason top 5. NUFF SAID, MOVIN ON!!! Besides I'll be yellin so loud in 24 hours I won't be able to hear him anyway. Trev, the tiger faithful don't need your opinion – cause it sux. F@CK ALBERTS, F@CK ALLBARN. Not a rant, just the truth. GEAUX TIGAHS.
Did you guys not hear trev bash us up until we beat arkansas? Every chance he got he said something bad about Auburn. Trev Alberts says whatever he things will get the most ratings and controversy, he really isn't liked by anyone that I know of except maybe UGA.
Who gives a rats behind what Trev says? GO TIGERS! (the real ones) In case anyone forgot...IT'S GAMEDAY!!!! LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU LSU
I just said it on another thread: why does the world revolve around what Trev Alberts or Mark May or Herb Kirkstreit (or whatever) says? Who cares? Their "opinions" are given to them by the producers and staff researchers. Their job (if you can call it that) is to deliver those "opinions" in a style to draw in the ratings. Argue. Be controversial. Be emphatic. Be a 'love him or hate him" kind of guy. It is all as phoney as a bad hair piece. Turn off the talking heads and turn on the football game.