Tracking Your Taxes: Energy and Water Budget Grows Despite Recession - Political News - Everyone should be concerned about the out of control spending and waste in Washington. The federal government is a runaway train with no one at the wheel. This and health care are the reasons why it isn't a good idea to have a third party pay for everything. It ultimately leads to a more expensive system and incredible waste. In a recession the private sector has to slow, they have to watch their bottom line but the government doesn't. If you look at what has happened the last year or so government is the only part of the economy that has showed consistent growth. That is because they have an endless supply of tax dollars coming from me and you. If we ran our finances the way government did we would be financially ruined. At some time the chickens will come home to roost and the tax payer will have to pay for this!
<At some time the chickens will come home to roost and the tax payer will have to pay for this!> Like the reading material that lines the Walmart checkout aisles, this dire warning has not changed in more than forty years. So, how much more inflation can the financial house of cards bear before it comes crashing down? When will there be nothing to buy and no acceptable tender with which to buy it? I truly wonder. tgsam