I absolutely couldn't agree with you more....There seems to be more and more articles being published about him lieing....
Nobody else has mentioned Married With Children as one of their favorites. I think its one of the funniest sitcoms ever. How about the episode where Al's organization, NO MA'AM (National Organization of Men against Amazonian Masterhood ) invades the Jerry Springer Show When women take over his bowling night... and his nudie bar, Al springs into action and his organization "NO MA'AM" leads a take-over of a talk show called "the masculine feminist".
Or the episode where the Bundy's dog Buck dies and goes before Judge Cat to determine his afterlife. As the Bundys return from Buck's funeral, we cut to The animal after life where Buck is waiting for judgement. He believes that due to his pathetic life, his spirit will be reassigned. Meanwhile, the family tries to console Kelly by bringing her new pets and holding a seance to contact Buck. When a Cocker Spaniel puppy shows up at the house, we realize (to Buck's dismay) that he has been reassigned to the Bundys in the form of the puppy.
Or Al's favorite sitcom - Psycho Dad "Psycho Dad" theme song: Who's that riding into the sun. Who's the man with the itchy gun. Who's the man who kills for fun! Psycho Dad. Psycho Dad. Psycho Dad! He sleeps with a gun, but he loves his son. Killed his wife 'cause she weighed a ton... Psycho Dad!
:grin: my favorite, not in any order nor catagory 1. bugs bunny - foghorn leghorn et al. 2. johnny quest 3. mash 4. cheers 5. carol burnett 6. will n grace 7. wings 8. hawaii 50 9. la law 10. west wing not to be forgotten gunsmoke - the wife laughs like festus. sorry difficult to list only 5.
My Top 5: 1. Seinfeld 2. Andy Griffith Show 3. Sanford and Son 4. Cheers 5. M*A*S*H Don't know if animated series can be considered, but if they can, then The Simpsons are 5A. Also, special mention to Taxi, Barney Miller, and Welcome Back Kotter.
after further consideration, and being able to view all the episodes of futurama as a whole, it is clear that futurama is by far the best tv show (and one of the best pieces of modern culture overall) ever made. also i would like to move seinfeld up and family guy down. family guy can go a little overboard and is a little too in love with itself these days.