There was much debate and worry over the # of Tiger fans that might not be able to attend tonight's game. Sorry if I missed an earlier post or televised announcement, as I missed first few minutes of game due to someone/somewhere stating that kickoff was at 6:45 p.m. Kno way I'm pulling off game now to research prior posts/forum for answer. I also would prefer a realistic/actual "Tiger" analysis on this issue. Sure sounds crowded to me. Love that announcer who has played 10 games in Death (Deaf) Valley who can "testify" to how loud/difficult it is for opposing team to communicate and get snaps off. Awesome reporting that's scares the bejesus out of future visiting opponents!! One other, rain, etc. Field looks perfect, due to cover.....but......what were conditions for fans?
I thought I heard them say this was the 8th largest crowd in LSU history. A lot of disappointed LSU fans tonight. :cry:
The reported number was 91,000 but that is tickets sold not fans in the stands. There were more there than I thought would be but not nearly 91,000. Looked more like 81,000.
Attendance was officially 91,896 (If memory serves me correctly)... I assume that was the number of sold tickets, as it didn't look quite that packed to me.
It was a very impressive crowd considering the circumstances. However, actual attendance had to be somewhere around 80,000.
Appreciate everyone's response. Whatever the actual attendance #'s were, I can testify that the visual/audio "effect" on Television was truely AWESOME.......even SUREAL!! There is something about LSU's stadium, at under lights.....maybe the thick humid air.......that causes an entirely different visual and accoustical effect. LSU's stadium......or "colloseum" simply MASSIVE and displays a practical never ending "sea" of impassioned fans. All this occurred and was broadcast to the nation........on a MONDAY NIGHT!!! I can't remember or think of this scenario/situation EVER occurring in the past for any game or event......... including NFL Monday Night Football. The simple fact is that NFL games, teams, fans are boring and devoid of any real loyalty/committment on the part of the players and/or fans!! If it was not for the amount of people and $$$ being "wagered/gambled" on these games,......the NFL would wither quick. You may NEVER witness what occurred in Tiger Stadium last night again! When the television cameras would pan the entire/enormous stadium.......with people almost to was simply sureal. Very few empty seats and only if you knew where and tried to look in the extreme upper corners.........which is very difficult for the cameras to do, it being so far away! My High Def 50" LCD widescreen and HD broadcast certainly assisted, but only at LSU and with Tiger Fans could/would this occurr!
There were between 85,000-88,000 at peak attendance imo...and it was in fact very loud in the first half. There were no empty seats except in the upper decks, and each section was about 3/4 filled up there.