i do not think Toliver or Byrd had a single pass thrown their way tonight. Was that them not being able to get open, or Flynn focusing way too much on Mitchell? Also, we are we not utilizing Holliday on the punt return more?
You're going to say that after ONE game where he had a case of the dropsies? Gimme a break. I seem to remember Doucet having his fair share of dropped passes back in the day. I think today's passing woes was a combination of bad weather and good coverage on SC's part.
I have no problem with people pointing out the obvious...that Mitchell sucked today. Just remember, there used to be a guy who now plays with the Chiefs...the rookie...who used to not be able to catch.:hihi: Hopefully, Jared will get it together...but he didn't have it today.
No...just saying that we used to rag Bowe all the time...not realizing the poor guy couldn't SEE! I dunno know if Mitchell has a problem like that...but I just think he played poorly today...and I hope he is able to go on and have a great career. If he does, we'll never remember the bad day he had today.
After seeing what it did for Bowe, I think every receiver on the team should have lasik.....just in case, you know.
You seem to forget the bad games Early had when he was young. I do admit that I was wrong about not missing ED man we needed a couple clutch catches!
Toliver didn't play very many snaps. Byrd has moved into the top 4 (at least while Doucet is out), and he played quite a few downs, but I don't recall either even getting looked at. Holliday supposedly has problems catching punts. For all the complaining people do about Jared Mitchell back there, they shouldn't be calling for Holliday because he certainly can't catch any better.
Someone needs to teach Holliday how to read a punt. The guy is Michael Lewis with the opportunity to start at a much younger age. Of course after a couple good returns, they'd just start kicking the ball away from him like they did with Skylar.
I was very disappointed to see Byrd get no looks whatsoever. Very. I think that he is very much ready to make an impact NOW, and the offense should focus on his development.