I was wrong about Coach Miles!!!! Last year at about this time I was struggling watching the poor offensive performance, clock management, etc and was critical at times and labeled a "negatiger." I was wrong about Coach Miles!!!!! Some of you were adamant that Crowton was the problem....I think you were right as well, although I wasn't so sure at the time. I was wrong about Coach Miles!!!! And although I don't believe I ever said we should fire him, I didn't think he was our long term solution. I was wrong about Coach Miles!!!! I criticized him when things went wrong and didn't give credit when things went right. I was wrong about Coach Miles!!!! All the success he's had since taking over couldn't be by accident or in-spite of his coaching (as I may have stated in another life). I was wrong about Coach Miles!!!! So, if you think I'm jumping on the bandwagon because we're winning....well, maybe some truth to that to a point. But, you can't look at this team, in spite of the wins, and not see that he is special. The players obviously love him and play for him....and that I can respect. After seeing Holgersen on the sidelines this weekend, I am grateful not to have that train wreck in purple and gold. I truly believe that sooner or later every team becomes a reflection of their coach....good for us. Terrible news for WVU fans. Oh, and I almost forgot.....I was wrong about Coach Miles.
Good job! Way to be a man and admit your guilt! :thumb: You might not have always loved Coach Miles....but he's always loved you!
There have been times I have criticized CLM. All I can say is, "I'm glad he is coach of our damn strong football team." Have a Great Day!
Forsaking that which is purple and gold; using Les' name in vain, is worse that gropping Mary Beth's ta-ta's. :shock:
Someone on this forum accused me of wanting CLM fired last year. It was not true. It was true, though, that he had not taken action last year to turn the offense around. Well, he did take that action, and we can all see the results. It is great to see an LSU team with great coaching, great players and great spirit.
"Come out, Virginia, Don't make me wait. Catholic girls start much too late! Sooner or later it comes down to fate I might as well be the one..."