Yeah we are really shutting people out and dominating the SEC. Why do some of you want to fire Smoke?
Same way the Yankees are dominating MLB or any team for that matter. Baseball is never dominated by a team over a year.
I don't know...the 1986 Mets that won 108 games came pretty close. In fact, they may have been THE dominant team of that decade.
I infer sarcasm is intended here? Please remove your head from the smelly place and pay attention. LSU has played one of the, if not the, toughest schedules in the nation. They have won every series except Arkansas (who apparently has a very good team) and Auburn who seems to dog it against everyone but Bama and LSU. LSU is ranked 5th in both national polls and, historically, Baseball America is loathe to rank the Tigers any higher than they absolutely have to. LSU is 2nd in the SEC West which includes 5 very good programs (i.e. not teams), and is 3rd in the SEC which is the, hands down, no contest, Katie bar the door best conference in the country. LSU has had inconsistent starting pitching from the 3rd week of the season and has had at least 2 position players in a defensive slump and 3 hitters in a batting slump for every series played. Yet, depending on the outcome of the Arky-Ole Miss series this weekend, can play their way into a #1 seed in the SEC tourney, a sure home regional, and a probable Super Regional host. So, can the sarcasm. If this team ain't good enough to fulfill your fantasies I suggest you spend a little more time soaping your privates.
No need to result to juvenile insults SabanFan. Actually the sarcasm was meant for people who think that we are this unbeatable juggernaut like '97 gorilla ball. Well, my point is that we are a very good team, but in no way are we head and shoulders above the other teams (especially in the west). I definitely think we can win the west since our schedule is in our favor unlike Arky, and OM. It will be interesting to see if we can beat Vandy's star pitcher who mowed us down last year. I predict the sweep against Kentucky, caused they are the worst in the SEC and we are due. The question is, can we win that crucial fri. night game, and is Gill back from his injury to his fingers? The spin here is making me dizzy...