I could take him a "water tour" of some of the highlights of my Parish, and he'd be surprised how many residents from CCLA, The West Side, hell, even Mandeville show up... Even old Fast Eddie almost bought a pad down on the other side of The Waterfront on the Diversion Canal off Highway 22 near Canal Bank...Foster's actually bought a lot near the Helipad on the 2nd filing back there... I think after we started off at Fred's, and then mosied our way down the Amite and to the Diversion Canal to Canal Bank or Hilltop for a highball or a shot...Then ease on down to Blind River Bar...bending off towards Blind River and Lake Maurepas...off on a boat ride across Maurepas towards the mouth of the Tickfaw and the infamous...PROP STOP...A few worm buckets and a Swamp Burger w/Cheese and a few hours of "marinating" in the ambiance would change his opinion...but I digress...
After growing up in Baton Rouge and Lafayette, I moved to livingston parish a couple years ago and was horrified due to the stories and such that I had heard. Well, I have to say, honestly, that many of the stories are true. But , I'd say only about 20% of the people in LP make up the basis for the LP horror stories. I see the complete trash every day. But I also see very civilized and proper people about 80% of the time. After being nervous about living in LP, I must say that after 2 years I am glad we moved here. Nice people, even if a few trrashy ones - and the biggest advantage is that here in LP we have everything that BR has, except we can get there 15 minutes quicker! :thumb: And when I refer to the LP horror stories, and I say trashy people, I am not judging them. I do respect them because its the life they live and they are happy. Trashy is not a good word. I should say.... hmmmm.......I dunno...well, I guess trashy is a good description, but I dont mean it in a degrading way. :laflagwav
There isn't a parish in Louisiana that doesn't have a large contingent of "trashy" people. I lived in a few of them and there are alwyas pockets where you find this class of folks. Same thing goes for Georgia.
TE, I don't think it's substance of the subject of your post that these guys are referring to, you can make a lot of valid points and arguments; it's the name calling of the posters who disagree with your assessment. When some disagrees with your opinion or assessment in many instances you call them a goofball, idiot or worse. Why can't you just give your debate without the insults. And as for the poster that degraded Denham Springs, you sound like one of the Auburn or USC posters talking about the state of Louisiana, just perpertuating the stereotypes.