1. Point being, if you're going to call somebody out for posting something you think is out of line, don't engage in the same practice. I would think even YOU would understand that.
  2. Instead of berating me, why dont you post why CJB should remain as our coach.
  3. And why don't you just answer the question?

    Yet, by your own admission, on another thread, we can't win games on talent alone. Therefore, by logical implication, some of the credit for our 16 wins would HAVE to go to John Brady. Right?
  4. I meant to write every game.
  5. Yeah, right. Easy to say now that you're pinned into a corner and finding out that you can't have it both ways.

    Well, it may not have been what you MEANT to write, but it stands as what you DID write.
  6. Thank you captain obvious.
  7. You're welcome, Captain OBLIVIOUS.
  8. Ya'll are just letting golfer guy pull you down to the level he is on.
  9. Dear Mods,

    I know that in La., a person has to be of legal age to buy a car. Are you sure you can take the money for being a contributor from this guy? You even have to be of legal age to belong to a DVD club. I think you need a certified letter from "Pamper's Inc." before letting him do any further posting. After all, some of these post are not "PG.":hihi: :hihi: :hihi:
  10. Couldnt you find a better quoted post than this one. :dis: