Look at this crap! martin blindly picks every team on the right hand side...and if Allbarn wins he'll win the challenge!
Im 5th with 2 games left.... :thumb: I thought that I was doing bad too. well I guess that means: BOOMER SOONER, and well ...... good luck auburn (thats the best I can do as far as cheering for AU :wink: )
acceptance speech: first, i would like to thank the right side of the team selection screen, which has given me the incredible luck that allowed me to dominate all of you. also i would like to thank the fact that i was in a hurry to walk my friend's dogs while he was out of town for restricting my time such that i did not have the chance to actually read which teams were playing, so i could blindly select every team on the right, thereby destroying those of you who picked according to the spread or whatever other foolish non-random system you used to make your choices. sorry suckas. not a one of you can pick any better than a guy who randomly picked all the teams on the right side of the screen. congratulations are in order. congratulations to me.
Well, I'm the only besides martin that picked USC. I don't know if I should be proud of that or not, I'll get back to you.