Alright guys there were a couple of people asking about a bowl pick 'em and Tirk went through the trouble of setting up a Tiger Forums group on ESPN's Bowl Mania, but so far only he and I have signed up to play! So get with it guys. Bowl Mania must register an ID at espn if you dont already have one. group name: password: uscsucks
Registration.. arggggg.. I'll get to it soon though. I find it odd that tirk set it up on espn's site.. seeing as though he never clicks a link to an espn article and always says to post it instead.
I'm there a special seperate t-shirt prize involved here? I'm all about free stuff... :thumb:
i went there because of my total dedication to tf even though their site sucks. Yes there is a tshirt if you're willing to donate one of the ps2's you've basically stolen as a prize as well.
If someone is willing to sell them to me for super cheap how is that stealing. You know you would take one for 30 bucks :thumb:. It wasn't meant to rip people off. It was for the people that don't feel like messing with a broken PS2. I quit doin it anyway. It wasn't as profitable as i thought it would be :bncry: Your the ballin poker expert around here, you donate bout you hook the winner up with a date with one of those hot chicks you know so well??
actually i only knew 3 I posted here and without permission, of course. I feel pretty safe they'd have a hard time searching through all my pics posted. However, If I happen to run into Salma or Halle I will be sure to ask them to partipate after I awake.