Great post southlink02. I think you hit it right on the head. You can't put into words what the SEC experience is, you have to witness it for yourself.
Hey guys. I've only been to one LSU game away from tiger stadium. My brother and I(we both live in NJ now) along with about 5 others rented an RV and helped invade Virginia Tech. All week before the game Tech fans were talking smack about LSU and coming to a real stadium. By about thursday messages started pouring in on the VT boards about LSU RV's rolling into town. They couldn't comprehend this. "The game isn't till Saturday, what are they doing here" Since in my five years at LSU i had little reason to hang out at the RV lot i never saw the full scope of how lsu travels. We rolled in on Friday afternoon and partied it up even though we lost until Saturday night. I can say with confidence that no other fans travel like LSU fans! And NO fans CELEBRATE such a simple event as a football game like LSU fans do. If you haven't experienced it for yourself i won't even bother trying to describe it to ya. God i miss saturday nights
Yeah we helped invade VT also...We arrived on Thursday in the RV, and 2 security guards that were walking in the parking lot stopped and said "Yall know the game isn't till' Sunday, right?" We said yes we know, we're running a little late. By Friday afternoon VT fans and other security guards were telling us that they had never seen people travel like this before. On Sat. night at the bars, LSU fans took over a bar called Boudreaux's. By about 12am they announced over the intercom.."Attention LSU, you have drank all our Bud Light" was halarious...Later that night out in the street it got really crazy (for yall that were there you know what im talking about). LSU fans lined on one side of the street VT on the other chanting back and forth. I talked to a police officer who told me that in 20 yrs on the force in Blacksburg that he had never seen anything like this for a football game. I also over heard VT fans talking on their cell phones saying "Man, you better get down here fast, we are out numbered, bring everyone". It did end up getting crazy downtown that night and I heard that after I left the craziness they actually had to bring in armored police to calm the crowd. I had a great time and us LSU fans gave VT a sneak preview of what SEC and LSU football is all about. The real show for VT is on Sept. 6 2004.
I invaded VT as well. Unfortunately I didn't get there till Friday Night and couldn't find a hotel room within 2 hours of Blacksburg. Still a great time though.
Blacksburg definately had to call in cavalry when the LSU and VT mobs started gathering. VT has the funniest song EVER. The HOKIE POKIE i couldn't stop laughing. But those damn Turkey calls drove me nuts. Almost as bad as the Cow Bells.
Was it loud? hahahah what a joke....I think When DD ran that punt back for a TD and LSU fans went nuts, thats about as loud as it got. I was in the South endzone. That stadium sucked, and they got extremly lucky. I can not wait for this game!!!!