Damn why did I only buy 4 at $32 on Oregon. Price is now 230 and rising Cant bitch about it tho. Gonna sell 2 of them to a stupid duck and go see the Tigers beat their butts in!!!
Yeah that was a hell of an investment. I probably should have got some. I'm banking on getting tickets through the school. I got NCG tickets in '03, I can't imagine not getting them this year.
I am in for 2 for oregon,and 7 for kansas.If kansas wins out they will probly jump oregon if they are still at #2.
I just bought 10 shares of Kansas at 15!!!! If Kansas win out they will jump Oregon!!!:wink:Great Deal if you get in at 15!!!
yeah, i know it would probally be nice to be able to sell those extra reserves to some stupid ducks.. but how much more satisfying would it be be help out a fellow TF member, and dieheart LSU fan. preferably for somewhere closer to what you paid for them than their current value :thumb: <------