I had no idea there was an attempted attack in Dallas. My parents, sister, nephews, brother, and alot of friends live in Dallas. If the patriot act had anything to do with thwarting this, then i may have to change my mind about it. A sudden outbreak of domestic terror threats - Yahoo! News
the story on how they took the Dallas idiot down is funny. Dallas bomb plot suspect speaks little English, but tells court he understands charges | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Latest News Yet another "undocumented alien." Since he is undocumented, they should have saved some money and put 2 in his skull.
two of the cases went down like this... my first thought is the fbi should have given both these cj's cellphones that would blowup and turn them into confetti when detonated.
I wonder if attempted mass murder is a capital offense? IF so that might be why the FBI went through all the steps. Once those idiots tried to detonate the bombs they just graduated from conspiracy to commit murder to attempted murder.
hopefully they can now fry these bastards. see i think they need to push these guys through a court for the world to see, convict them, then have a televised execution, and have cannibal corpse play some evil speedmetal as they are frying these ****ers.
i like my idea better. just as they are gettin off thinking they are killing the infidels.... hasta la vista, baby.
About a year or two into Obama's administration we'll no longer be able to see these attacks coming. This is all Bush/Cheney. Take heed.
I don't think so man, i doubt the intel came from torturing anyone. But i could be wrong, this one just hit me because its a little too close to home. So SF, what do you propose we do, what was it that Cheney and Bush did so well that we should be doing now to continue to protect this country? Blatant Torturing? I don't know anymore, i am really lost. i haven't been so torn when it comes to politics in my whole life. But i honestly don't think that Obama is going to intentionally do anything to this country to leave it open to another 9-11.
You do what you have to do. You support and strengthen your intelligence agencies, not investigate and castrate. A little water boarding on a couple of honcho terrorists ain't gonna kill anyone, To wit: Project World Awareness Blog Archive Another Medal of Honor recepient’s view of Torture Snopes: Undetermined