Thoughts on all this:

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by LSUpride123, Jun 23, 2023.

  1. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    thanks to this louisiana judge!

    "During the Covid-19 pandemic, a period perhaps best characterized by widespread doubt and uncertainty, the United States Government seems to have assumed a role similar to an Orwellian 'Ministry of Truth"

    - western district of louisana judge terry doughty, american hero
    shane0911, tigermark and LSUpride123 like this.
  2. Tiger in NC

    Tiger in NC There's a sucker born everyday...

    Sep 2, 2011
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    I don't think the left is pro-war. I'm not pro-war. It should be a final option after democratic channels have been exhausted. I am a veteran so I know the consequences of it. Russia has been an aggressor with Ukraine without provocation. This doesn't make us pro-war, it's makes us anti-bully. Putin thought he could just waltz in there and no one would do anything about it. He underestimated Biden because Biden is all in on making sure Putin loses. I like that policy because he is nothing more than an agitator on the world stage. Autocrats like him have to be dealt with.

    Your free speech hasn't been infringed upon. That's bull shit. You do not like it that those social media companies agreed with the government that what you were spreading was propaganda and put a stop to it or at least a disclaimer. But your free speech hasn't been infringed upon. You don't believe that the vaccine worked but magically when it came out, the rate of infection started dropping and things started getting better. How else do you explain the drop in cases after the vaccines were made public? Operation Warp Speed is one of Trump's best accomplishments in my opinion. It worked. He got red tape out of the way and the pharmaceutical companies put everything in high gear. Government and the private sector working together for a common goal.

    Conspiracy on....
  3. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    are you in favor of this current war?

    well it does. pro-war means in favor of war. thats exactly what you are. you want to fund this war, presumably for as long as it goes on.

    if you were anti-war, you would oppose funding it. you wouldnt be hoping we send weapons of war to people to fight wars and kill each other.

    trump was and is anti-war. thats why you are pro-war. thats what i am trying to explain here. trump caused a total reversal of how people think. it actually quite incredible.

    this is not true. you need to use quotes more, they way i do. i am vaccinated. my family is vaccinated. i think the vaccine works (probably). the lie is that i was told the vaccine stops infection and spread. it does not. you can have the vaccine and still get infected and spread the virus. multiple times. this lie was spread by the media and the highest levels of our government. thats fucked up. majorly fucked up. that kinda lie can get people killed.

    how the fuck is it the govt's job to tell me what is propaganda? i will decide! the govt should have exactly zero contact with social media, unless they need to get an address for a muslim terrorist or something.

    biden wants a ministry of truth. i do not. i agree with the louisiana judge that the cocept of it is chilling and dangerous and orwellian. i would in fact support violence against the govt if the ministry of truth did anything to restrict speech. like literally i would support murder of the head minister.
    shane0911 and LSUpride123 like this.
  4. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    Was doing some history reading the past week and got to thinking of natural cycles in human activities with regards to political swings throughout time/history.

    How hard will the over-correction to the "right" be on the swing back from the current path we are on?

    Secondarily to this, with the ever so small steps towards global conflict (WW3), I find it disturbing to think so many blindly would believe the west would win such a war again. The production output is disastrously not in the Wests favor and its not close. The current axis of powers has flipped in this regard.
    Last edited: Jul 18, 2023
    shane0911 likes this.
  5. kcal

    kcal Founding Member

    Dec 20, 2004
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    as usual, victor davis hanson with sobering truth:

    Have We Forgotten the Russian Way of War?

    Victor Davis Hanson July 16, 2023

    I think I am not exaggerating when I say that the campaign against Russia has been won in fourteen days.”

    General Franz Halder, June, 1941, Chief of Staff, Oberbefehlshaber des Heeres

    Napoleon won more battles than he lost in Russia, took, and burned Moscow—and destroyed his own French army in the process. The famous invasion chart of Charles Joseph Minard graphically demonstrated how his Grand Army shrunk each day it advanced further into Russia.

    The 3.5 million-man Wehrmacht expeditionary force consistently crushed the Russian army for nearly two months following its invasion of June 22, 1941—killing nearly 3 million Russians. Such catastrophic losses would have broken any Western army.

    But by December 1941, the Germans could no longer win the war in the east.

    One might object that it is a truism that invading the vast landscape and enduring the harsh weather of Mother Russia is a prescription for disaster; yet Russian armies do poorly when they invade other countries and fight as aggressors outside of their homeland.

    Yes and no.

    Certainly, the preemptive Russian attack on Kyiv proved an utter disaster. Who can forget the scenes of last winter when sitting-duck, long columns of stalled Russian vehicles were picked off in shooting-gallery fashion by brave Ukrainian ad hoc units? But note saving Kyiv was the mere beginning not the end of the war.

    On September 17, 1939, a duplicitous Soviet Russia invaded Poland from the east, under the agreements of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of August 1939.

    The large Russian force hit a Polish army reeling from nearly three weeks of relentless hammering from a German invasion that had attacked from three directions. Although the belated advance of the Russian army was not especially impressive, its victory was foreordained.

    The three-and-a-half month Finnish-Russian “Winter War” of 1939-40 is usually referenced as an example of the gritty heroism of the outnumbered Finnish army and the general ineptness of the invading Russian behemoth that outnumbered the heroic Finns by more than two to one. When the tattered Russian army finally ground down the Finns and forced them to negotiate, they had suffered nearly 400,000 casualties, perhaps five times Finnish losses.

    The Russian invasion was poorly planned, inadequately supplied, incompetently led, and characterized by low morale. And yet the invasion was eventually mostly successful given the numerical and material advantages of Russia—and Moscow’s seeming indifference to its massive losses. Its trademark war of attrition eventually proved too costly for tiny Finland.

    In the current Ukrainian war, over the last 16 months Russia has suffered unimaginable setbacks. It has lost more planes, helicopters, armored vehicles—and soldiers—than at any time since World War II. The morale in the Russian military is reportedly shot.

    In short, the Russian “special military operation” is a sorry Russian saga of self-inflicted wounds, abject ineptitude, and callous treatment of its own. So why then does Russia continue such wastage?

    True, Russia can draw on well over three times the population as Ukraine, from a territory 30 times larger. In contrast, perhaps a quarter of Ukrainian’s prewar population has left the country, leaving a population of fewer than 30 million.

    Westerners scoff at the anemic and hemorrhaging Russian economy—even before the war only half the size of California’s. Yet Russian GDP is nonetheless ten times greater than Ukraine’s.

    Perhaps the key to the Russian enigma is a reductionist “Russia doesn’t care” about its massive losses that by now would have toppled any Western government that oversaw such senseless carnage.

    Russian incompetent commanders certainly have wasted tens of thousands of young Russian lives. Russian medical care at the front is atrocious; becoming wounded is often synonoymous with a death sentence. Supplies of food and munitions are unreliable.

    Somewhere between 150-200,000 Russian soldiers may have already died, been wounded, or captured. Russia may have lost nearly an astonishing 6,000 armored vehicles and nearly 200 aircraft.

    And yet here we are with the Russian army entrenched on the borderlands, still in possession of 11 percent of Ukraine’s post-2014 territory.

    In frenzied fashion, the desperate Russians have nearly finished a modern version of a Maginot Line of zigzagging interconnected trenches, reinforced concrete tank traps, minefields, artillery crossfire fields—all protected by mobile reserves and aircraft, missile, and drone support. They have awaited the vaunted “spring offensive” of Ukraine,” perhaps hoping to kill one Ukrainian for every two Russians they lose.

    These ossified World-War-I-like fortifications are laughed off by Western analysts as an anachronistic multibillion-dollar blunder of static defense.

    Yes, we smirk at such crude Russian obstinance. But increasingly now rare are the March and April triumphant boasts of Western generals, pundits, the media, and political officials that the long promised reckoning would unleash a Ukrainian armored Pattonesque romp through and around the blinkered Russians—and perhaps a Cannae entrapment that would swallow such calcified deployments and end the war outright.

    After all, the U.S. and NATO have poured $200 billion into Ukraine’s increasingly state-of-the art war machine. Top Western advisors and intelligence officials daily advise Ukrainian generals.

    Kyiv now spends more annually on defense than any other country except the U.S. and China. Its soldiers are perhaps more battle-hardened than any in NATO, its army better equipped than any Western military except the American.

    Yet we still hear constant light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel escalatory revisionism.

    We were once told that the U.S. should not supply Ukraine with state of the art 155mm artillery.

    Likewise taboo were billion-dollar-plus Patriot antiaircraft missile batteries and the sophisticated M142 HIMARS rocket platforms. We hoarded these costly systems, and feared Russia might do something stupid once its soldiers and planes were shredded by such sophisticated American arms.

    We were assured that shipping Abrams tanks would be unwise given similar fears of escalation.

    F-16s? They too, we were told, were not needed, and might also earn a wild counter-response from Russia. All these munitions are now green-lighted.

    Now we are to ship controversial cluster bombs. Again, all these weapons were demanded by Ukraine as the final tools that would supposedly help crack the clunky Russian army.

    The latest once verboten escalation is the call up of U.S. reservists, “just in case” they are needed in Europe to ensure the supply and training of Ukrainians—or, alternatively, in theory to be ready to supplant U.S. combat troops that would be sent into Ukraine.

    The recent agreement to ship cluster bombs, designed to shower entrenched Russian conscripts with “steel rain” jumped the proverbial shark.

    Western leftists, previously known for their moral outrage over using such macabre weapons used on the modern battlefield—often by Western units fighting for their lives in the Middle East—were among the most vocal clamoring for such shipments, the most recent necessary antidote to the supposedly neanderthal Russian concrete and steel barriers. Will we soon see upscale houses in liberal communities with new lawn signs, “In this house, we believe in cluster bombs?”

    Yes, the Ukrainians have far better equipment than does Russia. They have moral right on their side, and they continue to fight doggedly and heroically, despite mounting and ultimately unsustainable losses.

    Yes, the Russian economy is in tatters.

    Yes, Putin’s grip on power is in danger, given that his foolhardy invasion is destroying the reputation of the Russian military, solidifying NATO, and destroying a generation of Russian youth.

    And yes, there is also a long Russian way of war.

    Historically the Russian military is not preemptive but reactionary and sluggish. It was historically plagued by Czarist, Soviet, and oligarchic bureaucratic incompetence. It treats its soldiers as cannon fodder, and relies on sticks rather than carrots to mobilize its youth.

    Yet the resilient Russian army is also dogged as it bends but rarely breaks—even if its tactics of pouring men and fire against the enemy are scripted and predictable. We laugh at the unimaginative Russian entrenchments, but we also accept that to breach them will require a cost in blood and treasure that Ukraine and its Western benefactors may not wish to pay, although Russia itself may well gladly pay that tab and more still.

    Given Russian military history, it is stunning how confident Western military analysts have been in predicting not only that smaller Ukraine would expel neighboring Russians from what they grabbed in 2022, but also go on to recapture the borderlands and Crimea.

    Their predictions assumed that catastrophic Russian losses, the dividends of Moscow’s stupidity and indifference, the amorality of the invasion, the evil of Putin, and the nobility of the new united NATO would all ensure Russian defeat.

    Yet history would differ. It would answer that to win a war, proverbially long-suffering Russia must first almost lose it.

    Unfortunately, this Verdun-like war is a long way from over.

    Last edited: Jul 19, 2023
    shane0911 and LSUpride123 like this.
  6. LSUpride123

    LSUpride123 PureBlood

    Oct 20, 2008
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    I agree and disagree.

    I think the media is full on lying about Russian losses.

    To this point, from what I can gather reading both sides, is that Russia is fighting very much via proxy by at least 80% up to this point.

    Especially in the early days of the "Russian Blitz", that was about 99% LPR and DPR forces.

    Russia's main body has been relatively untouched, from a troop standpoint that is.

    Also, Russia does have air superiority. Though one would have to understand the bulk of Ukraine's air defense is Soviet made S-300 and S-400 systems, though way less on the 400 side, if any left.

    In all, numbers from both sides are hard to screen, but the general tone from that guy is accurate. This war needs warm blood and unless NATO intends to conscript 3 million men, Russia wins.

    Though, if NATO does this, its more than Russia that will join in on the fight.

    Russia's tactics are WWI level. Some might laugh at this, but technology has a funny way of bringing back old strategies.

    I do not take any joy in this perspective, but this is what I am seeing on the ground. Every time Ukraine hits Russia, Russia sends a reminder X5

    With drone warfare now rampant, armor and tanks can be easily negated by terrain obstacles and 1/100th the cost suicide drones flying above.

    From what I have read, Russia has been busy building WWI style trenches up to 5 lines deep in key spots. They happily will retreat to new lines and start shelling once Ukraine moves in and can simply walk back to their main line once the bodies pile up.

    Russia's artillery production far exceeds all of NATO combined. To add, Russia's alliance with Chinese and Iranian drones makes this a most losable war for the West.
    shane0911 likes this.
  7. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    this is a good article on how the white supremacist trump hate driven asian hate crime wave is false.

    the claim that it was whites attacking asians was false. it was blacks, and they attack everyone. they are not trumpers. also like i said before the media redefined hate crime to mean insult, including online insults. so like if trump said the virus was from china, thats a hate crime. in fact one of the hate crime studies claims 55 hate crimes from trump.

    this is important because its an example of how the media misleads us. they told us repeatedly there was a massive asian hate crime wave and it was caused by trump. that was always false. just like so many other claims.
    fanatic and LSUpride123 like this.
  8. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    i read victor davis hanson in college in my military history class. i was kinda suprised, as he is a fox news commentator, and universities are liberal.

    anyways, this is a great point from VDH you just posted:

    "Western leftists, previously known for their moral outrage over using such macabre weapons used on the modern battlefield—often by Western units fighting for their lives in the Middle East—were among the most vocal clamoring for such shipments, the most recent necessary antidote to the supposedly neanderthal Russian concrete and steel barriers. Will we soon see upscale houses in liberal communities with new lawn signs, “In this house, we believe in cluster bombs?”"

    very true. liberals oppose cluster bombs in concept, meaning they oppose their mere existence. or they did, before they could be dropped on trump/putins friends.

    i think if trump came out as a huge drug legalization guy, making the points i make about defunding cartels, decreasing violence etc, liberals would suddenly be nancy reagan screaming "just say no" and burning pot users alive
  9. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    documents are now being exposed that showed the scientific establishment resisted lab leak theory because they didnt want trump to be right.

    which is why i have said all along that TDS is dangerous.
  10. Jmg

    Jmg Veteran Member

    Oct 1, 2015
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    these are the documents themselves. its alot to read and we shouldnt have to, thats why the media exists, to figure this shit out, but of course the media is fucking useless now so i have to read through this shit myself.

    it was a goddamn lab leak. it always was. and we were banned from saying so. thats fucked up. it should be the lead story from every journalist. how many millions dead? and nobody wants to push this but congressional republicans? fucking disgrace. the media is dead. fuck them all.
    shane0911, tigermark and LSUpride123 like this.

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