My son called me a few minutes ago, and he is going to the game tomorrow. This is the story. My son lives in Hoover, earlier today he called me and told me that his wife called him and told him that the LSU football team was at the Summit (I am not sure what that is). Anyways, part of the theatre there was rented for the football team to watch a movie. The movie was supposed to get over about 9, so her and another co-worker went out back (she works at the FYE store there at the mall), they was hollering stuff like Geaux Tigers and one of the assisstant coaches came over and was talking to them and asking them if they were Tiger fans, and stuff. And guess what happened next? HE GAVE THEM 4 TICKETS TO THE GAME TOMORROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't believe it, he is gonna get to go the game, and his poor mama is not. :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux:
wow! talk about good luck! for your son that is! you need to remind him who raised him to be a tiger fan in the first place! :grin:
Wow that's awesome! Nothing like that would ever happen to me! Tell him he better be representing and yelling as loud as his body will allow him to! .....nevermind, he's your son of course he will be!!!
Birmingham is COVERED UP with LSU fans tonight. I partied with about 20 of them at the Cajun Steamer earlier. Good time had by all. Lots of bama fans there and we were shouting back and forth at each other. MAN, what a BLAST! Congrats to your son. I wish I new the team was at the Summit I would have gone over and cheered them on.
lsufan pm me his number or I can do the same and we can meet up tomorrow. I did not get to meet him when I dropped off the DVD the other day.
That is good luck for my son, and I am really just thrilled for him, he is very excited, and I am really excited for him too. :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux:
I meant to get on here and tell everyone that they was there, but I was busy getting my stuff ready for the game today myself, and I just totally forgot to do that. :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux:
I will do that, but they are probably gonna be right at game time getting there, my daughter in law and her co-worker gotta figure out how they are gonna get off earlier then they are supposed too. She is like the manager, so I think I would just call someone to come in earlier, or I would probably just call in sick. And if that couldn't work, I would just quit my job.:wink: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: :geaux: