PRINT Receipt#: 289xxxxxxx DATE: 9/26/2005 8:54:20 PM Customer #: xxxxxxx Shipping Information Billing Information Matthew xxxxxx 400 xxxxxx xxxxx Irving, TX 75063 US Daytime Phone: (972) xxx-xxxx Evening Phone: (972) xxx-xxxx Email: [email protected] xxxxxx xxxxx 10313 xxxxxx Dr Irving, TX 75063 US Daytime Phone: 972xxxxxx Evening Phone: (972) xxx-xxxx Email: [email protected] Name: Matt xxxxxxxx Paid: Visa - Exp. x/2006 CC Number: ############xxxx -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Label Name Attributes Unit Price Today's Price ICANN fee Qty Extra Disc. Total Price 102-1 .COM Domain Name Registration - 2 Years $17.90 $17.90 $.50 1 $4.00 $14.40 Domain: FIREBOPELLINI.COM Show Domains Hide Domains FIREBOPELLINI.COM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Subtotal: $14.40 Shipping & Handling: $.00 Tax: $.00 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Total (US Dollars): $14.40
Not at all. Has anyone purchased the one for Miles yet. Might not be a bad investment either. He's in over his head.
:hihi: :hihi: :hihi: Heh if you do a google search on the mispelled version it looks like I wasn't the only one to get it wrong. Wow, alot of newspapers made the same mistake. Last time I register a domain after a dissapointing loss and a head full of Crown and Coke. I still think his defensive philosophy stinks.
Unfortunately, is already taken. I guess someone should have looked into this before making this hire. Apparently ours is not the first "fire Les" sentiment.