Hey, anybody listening to radio, put it on Condon's show 1300. Some other guy is filling in( Chris Powers??), and he said the rumor is that Brady's job is in real jeopardy. The guys at the advocate agree too. I think if we one and done in both tourney's, that Brady might be gone... The next segment is on that topic, tune in...
Interesting....... I wonder if anyone really knows this or are they guessing like ESPN does saying LSU is a lock for the Tourney? I think he's going to be back although I would politely, just like I try to speak here on this board, show him the door.
Just my opinion Personally, I think he deserves another year. No more scholarship limitations. Tack, Darnell, Ross, Brandon, will all be sophomores, Darrell will be a junior, Antonio and Xavier will be seniors. I see Brady here another year. Starting five might look like this next year. PG - Tack Minor SG - Darrell Mitchell SF - Regis Konjuia PF - Brandon Bass C - Glenn Davis First of the bench: SG - Antonio Hudson PG - Xavier Whipple SF - Ross Neltner PF - Darnell LaZarre SG - Garrett Temple. As of now don't know know if Spencer Ford will even show up in Baton Rouge
Some of you Tiger Fans are truely pathetic because you can't accept criticizm of your team. Well, fans like me are tired of excuses and medicority and its our team and forum just like it is yours. We should be excited because of last nights game and everything is hunky dory huh? This means if we make the tourney we'll be competitive and win a few more games because we've been competitive the last 5 games. I don't think a little more consistantcy is too much to ask for. About the post above: I think Brady will have 1 more year and I hope he does well for the strength of the program. But it would not surprise me if Brady is gone after this year. I think Emmert and Bertman aren't satisfied with a mediocre basketball team and a bunch of empty seats in the PMAC.
good summary of half full/half empty positions. but take some of your own advice. all he said was that some of the post make him sick (they do that to me too sometimes). he didnt call you an ahole or anything. saying that a post makes you sick seems pretty reasonable and not necessarily out of place on a bulletin board
Sour I agree with you. If Brady can get the job done I would rather keep him because I like him for the most part. I have never met him but he wanted to come here, he loves LSU I'm sure and I want him and the team to do well. But my loyalty lies wholeheartedly to LSU and the team and sometimes, maybe this year, maybe next, a change is necessary. That's all I have said and that's all anyone has said. I have never attacked him personally (maybe I have). I just think we could do better with someone else. And for me, a change for the better is made sooner than later. And I'm like you..........you seem to have a good perspective on things like many here do. Just because you win a game and we all love LSU, doesn't mean it can't be broken down. There were some conservative playcalling issues in the Sugar Bowl. My dad and I talked about them......I didn't agree with everything Skip did in the way of leaving pitchers in or taking them out........but at some point Saban and Bertman get the benefit of the doubt. Brady is not Saban or Bertman........IMO.
Correct Yes Kentrell Gransbury, who was a teammate of Darnell Lazare's at Woodlawn. I don't see Kentrell as a 5 star player. He will help down low but, we won't really be hurting there. Post players Brandon Bass, Glenn Davis, Darnell Lazare, Ross Neltner, and Kentrell. Imagine our team if those knot heads wouldn't have walked out. Here we go. Point guards - Tack Minor, Xavier Whipple, Tony Gipson. Shooting guards - Darrell Mitchell, Antonio Hudson, JuMichael Young. Small forwards - Ross Neltner, Tim Bush, Regis Konjuia, Spencer Ford. Power forwards - Brandon Bass, Darnell Lazarre, Kentrell Gransburry, Glenn Davis. Center - Shawnson Johnson. That's 16 scholarship players that would be on the LSU men's basketball team next year. Holy Cow!!!!! LOL.
i think the only one we miss is johnson also, i think neltner is not really a post player. looks like he might be a luke walton type player--passer from high post and outside shooter.
small forward Well he's 6'8" about 235 i'm thinking. He doesn't have the ball handling skills and doesn't have quick feel like Luke Walton. I'm thinking small forward.