this is making me sick

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by LSUstudent, Mar 4, 2004.

  1. LSUstudent

    LSUstudent Founding Member

    Nov 7, 2002
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    will you brady bashers quit being so damn negative about LSU basketball...i can't even read half of your posts without getting mad.

    first it's brady's fault for losing games...then when brady wins u find something to bash him for...for christ's sake we just won a game we were down by 16 points without the #2 rebounder in the nation and our top scorer and not to mention one of the top 3 or 4 players in the SEC while playing 5 freshmen, 2 sophomores, and 1 junior (and charlie for 3 minutes)..

    i can't wait until this year and next...every one of you brady bashers will be eating some serious crow

    our last 2 games we had a chance to beat a senior-laden kentucky game and now we beat ole miss

    next year we will have the EXACT same roster ...oh wait...we're also getting Glen Davis and Garrett Temple..

    you want to talk attrition? when brady has 3 scholarships to give, would u rather him take some sorry-ass high school player or maybe take a few chances to bring in some top-notch recruits...u win some, u lose some...but when your program is damn near the death penalty, you're not going to be able to recruit the same type of players as we are now

    i'm just going to quit typing now...i could go probably write a 30 page paper on how dumb the brady bashers look
  2. Ken Ross

    Ken Ross Founding Member

    Jan 10, 2003
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    good post.
  3. BasileTiger

    BasileTiger Founding Member

    Aug 13, 2003
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    Brady is no longer under scholarship limitations.

    Don't get mad bro. This is a forum, where people state their "opinion" on LSU sports, whether it be positive or negative.

    Their is good and bad with the LSU program.

    The good is we had an excellent recruiting class last year.

    The bad is we have a terrible class coming in this year with the exception of Glenn Davis.

    But believe me life will go on and LSU basketball hopefully is on the rise!
  4. MALONE121212

    MALONE121212 Founding Member

    Jan 22, 2004
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    I agree with you Basile. Should we be jumping for joy because we beat a horrible Ole Miss team. I guess we did come back we had 10 points in the 1st half. Lloreda is not a panzy, he just is tired of Brady. I knew what was going on in the FL. game was questionable. Brady got his grits handed to him. I am not a fan of "the grimace", but I am a LSU fan. I am tired of mediocrity when it comes to B-ball.
  5. TigerWins

    TigerWins Founding Member

    Sep 15, 2003
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    Yeah, god forbid if someone has a different opinion from you, huh?

    Maybe we should all go kiss up to Brady and thank him for packing all of 6200 fans in the stands last night.
  6. cajdav1

    cajdav1 Soldiers are real hero's

    Dec 26, 2003
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    If the posts about Brady make you sick then quit reading them, this is an open forum where everyone is expected to post their thoughts on Tiger Athletics. There are those of us that think Brady isn't the right person for the job and those of you who believe he is the right man for the job. It is not supposed to be a forum for those with the same view. You guys point out pretty much only the good, we point out pretty much only the bad. You say he's not doing to well because the team is so young, we say the team is so young because he isn't good. You blame the recruiting mess on sanctions, we say that is only a small part of the problem. You look at the record this year and think we're doing fine, we lookat it and say we've beaten only bad teams. We look at the character of some of the players who have come and gone & we see bad judgement, you look at them and say he had to take a chance on them. You think he did LSU a favor by taking the job, we think LSU did him a favor by paying him big bucks to be able to caoch here. You guys blame the fans for not showing up, we say he needs to improve the product and create enthusiasm in order to get fans to show up. We disagree on just about everything and evidentally hardly any minds are going to be changed. So if you don't want to participate in the give and take of the discussions on basketball and it makes you sick reading the posts, then don't open the thread.
  7. Tigersmack

    Tigersmack Founding Member

    Sep 22, 2003
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    What gets me mad

    is when someone with purple and gold glasses on can't see the writing on the wall which says we will flounder in medicority forever with Brady.

    People can and will criticize average or below average results.....this isn't Brady's first year dude. He's been here 7. If you listen to his radio show he sounds on the defensive the entire time because he knows the questions he's gonna get......just like DiNardo and Hallman and Archer used to do. They get defensive and take the "I know more than you" approach. That is the sign of a coach on the run. I've seen it too many times to not call a sparrow a sparrow.
  8. tigerlaw

    tigerlaw Founding Member

    Oct 6, 2003
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    Do you know this? At best this is a guess.
  9. TigerWins

    TigerWins Founding Member

    Sep 15, 2003
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    Do you know it not to be true?
  10. BasileTiger

    BasileTiger Founding Member

    Aug 13, 2003
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    Excellent post

    Excellent post.

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