Teams dont go after Bob Stoops becasue he and his agent have told everyone he is NOT interested in ANY job but OU. He does not put out feelers, He does NOT interview for other jobs or discuss coaching positions with other teams. Teams mention Bob Stoops all the time, when his name comes up and asked about he says immediatly, I am not going anywhere I love my job here and I am staying here. I am NOT interested in any other job. Us on the other hand do not have such a luxury...
I think Stoops is approached by the NFL. He is an arguably (not my belief, but it can be argued) a better coach than Saban based on his success at Oklahoma. However, I think Stoops dosen't entertain the offers and declines opportunities to "hear them out". The difference is this...Saban has all the intentions to leave and he will go to the NFL if not this year, then soon. I have a big problem with this. I cannot understand signing a 7-year deal after last year and then bailing after 1 (not complete) season. To me, that is B.S. and ridiculous. If he is going to "entertain" every job offer that he has some kind of tie to (which is many) in the NFL...then he should just come out and say it. "I am going to go to the NFL as soon as the right opportunity comes up. Until that time, I'll coach at LSU". He'll never say it verbally, but his actions speak it.
THEY DO...the difference is Stoops doesnt tell his agent to get his name out there, in fact he tells his agent the opposite.