#1 LSU-UK basketball (31 point lead lost) #2 Jamie Howard vs. Auburn #3 Phatimus '05 anyone disagree?
I would say this is the worst loss in LSU history, maybe because its so fresh, but with all the cirumstances, the fact we waited almost 4 weeks for it and all the misery for our state, to me this is the worst loss in LSU history from a flat out dissapointment standpoint. Thanks Less Smiles...
Easily the worst collapse! the Uk game we played all world in the first half then they played all world in the second. Aub game, Lsu Off cordinator was trying to show how good a cord. he was and show off his offense. He forgot he had J.howard at QB. Tenn game without a doubt was the worst collapse because we were the better team! These three losses all have one thing in common, TERRIBLE COACHING! Expectations are also very high for this team and you can tell its not the players fault
Its a good list. The basketball choke against Kentucky was the all-time worst collapse, followed by the "Interception Game" against Auburn. "Clausens Revenge" comes in a distant third.
The coaching staff had the extreme "BROOK TROUT" look. It was especially bad when Miles was signalling for a time out on a change of posession.
I thought that's what I saw... that's unreal. I'm glad the referees didn't give him the timeout, not that it really mattered.