1. probably be a Tiger right now. Surely he wouldn't have gone to SC with Williams fully entrenched as the starter for SC.
  2. Re: Think about this: If we would have lost out last year on Keiland then McKnight wo

    Where does this info come from?
  3. Re: Think about this: If we would have lost out last year on Keiland then McKnight wo

    Or, maybe, the kid was genuinly conflicted about his various priorities and needed the time to be sure of his decision. I see no reason to accuse him of "playing" LSU. Maybe, you "care a little too much" and are projecting your disappointment, by disparaging him.
    The whole Tiger Nation is disappointed with his decision, but it was HIS decision and he went with what he thought was in his best interest. Until something concrete comes out to the contrary, just accept the reality. If something does come out, run with it.:wink:
    1 person likes this.
  4. Re: Think about this: If we would have lost out last year on Keiland then McKnight wo

    The kid left because of the exact reasons he listed: a) location and b) the communications thing. Why would he lie about that?
  5. Re: Think about this: If we would have lost out last year on Keiland then McKnight wo

    SC produces great backs and McKnight knows that. Stay straight and he'll be a great back. His picture will one day be beside Simpson and Bush. You can't blame him. On top of this, he wants to get out of town.

    I also heard his parents just moved into the old house Bush's parents were renting. Apparently Bush's parents couldn't make the rent and were evicted. McKnight's parents are moving to LA to watch their soon play. Good for them!:thumb:
  6. Re: Think about this: If we would have lost out last year on Keiland then McKnight wo

    Sour grapes.

    He didn't pick us, so let's tear him down.:dis:
  7. Re: Think about this: If we would have lost out last year on Keiland then McKnight wo

    McKnight was quoted today as saying he made the decsion at 2:30 am the day of signing. "Yesterday it was LSU" but today USC was his decision, not regarding Reggie Bush, but because he wants to be a broadcaster and Los Angeles is world headquarters in that field.
  8. Re: Think about this: If we would have lost out last year on Keiland then McKnight wo

    If this is true I wish him nothign but the best. I hope to see another Louisiana product on TV one day. However, they let Shannon Sharp in front of the camera. LSU would have been just fine.
  9. Re: Think about this: If we would have lost out last year on Keiland then McKnight wo

    I'm not sure where all the animosity is coming from. He chose the school he felt was better for him. More power to him. I wish him well but it isn't the end of the world when a highly recruited player leaves the state.

    I think he was torn. Pete Carroll wouldn't have shown up here last week if McKnight was in the bag. If he played anyone it was Ole Miss. He was genuinely torn between Essee and LSU
  10. Re: Think about this: If we would have lost out last year on Keiland then McKnight wo

    So what you are saying is that you would be all over Miles' ass, and the recruit, if we had a so-called silent commitment?:hihi:

    That's bogus, my man. It's sour grapes.