This guy is at work one morning when suddenly he hears a voice. The Voice Said: "Leave work immediately and go to your house." This scared the hell out of him. Nervously he looked around at his co-workers to see if they had heard anything. Everyone kept on working as though nothing happened. The guy gets up and leaves work and goes home. He sits in his house for several hours scared half out of his mind. Suddenly.......... The Voice Said: "Go to the bank and withdraw all of your money. Go to your safety deposit box and remove all coins and jewels and hock the jewels and turn everything you can into cash." The guy rushes to the bank and withdraws his life savings and over the next several days manages to hock just about everything he has. He has accumulated over $80,000 in cash. He waits again in his home for several days. The Voice Said: "Drive to Las Vegas now!" The guy gets in his car and drives for two days to get to Las Vegas. As he approaches the city limits........ The Voice Said: "Check in at the Bellagio and wait in your room." It's now January 4th at about 1pm and the guy checks into his room. He sits for hours. At exactly 6pm local time......... The Voice Said: "Go down to the lobby and approach the sports betting area." The guy grabs his briefcase of cash and heads down to the lobby and goes to the sports betting area. He waits. The Voice Said: "Bet it ALL on Oklahoma in the Sugar Bowl." Nervously the guy bets everything he owns on Oklahoma. He sits in the monitor area and watches the Sugar Bowl game. To his horror at the end of the game the LSU punts rolls to a stop as the time runs out. Final score, LSU 21 Oklahoma 14. The Voice Said: DAMN!!!!!