Wahooooooooooo! I got 8 tickets to Auburn and 2 tickets to Florida and 2 reserved tickets for the 2008 BCS NC. And now I'm broke!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Spent a few minutes looking around ebay, just curious to see what Florida tickets were worth. Saw 2 in Row 27 in the South End Zone going for $250. Another 4 in the SEZ with a parking pass going for $1,050. And some are more expensive. They say everything is for sale. Would be interesting to know what the price would have to be for some of the faithful on here to part with their tickets (and to be clear, I'm not shopping for any). I'm amazed what people will pay to see an athletic event. I think I mentioned on here before that I sold several $15 minor league baseball tickets last year for $165 each cause Clemens was pitching.
I only sell my tickets when it is absolutely impossible to make the game myself. Which has only occurred once in the last 10 years. If that ever happens I sell them for face value or give them to a friend, no matter the game. And for the record I have no problem with capitalism. Others may want to make a profit and there is nothing wrong with that.
I paid roughly $1k for for the Auburn Tickets, Facevalue for Florida, and so far 200 for reserved BCS tickets.
Wow. $125 a pop for Auburn. I guess you made it up a little by getting Florida at face though. And if LSU makes it to the MNC you will be one happy SOB.
I wish I could find Florida tickets for close to face value, my and my best friend have been planning this trip since June and been looking for tickets ever since, oh well guess we'll have fun tailgaiting if we can't find tickets. We can't afford to pay over $100 a ticket, some of the prices they are going for is insane $1k on tickets, dang thats a lot.
Yah even though they have lost twice this will be a huge game b/c of previous years.. Many just want to see Auburn get bum-rushed and I'm one of them. Yep happy SOB I will be!
You won't find anything close to 100/ticket unless you get really lucky. So my prayers are with yah. And thats not too bad to entertain "clients" and write em off! haha