just thought i'd let you all know that your being well represented so far. running a short errand i saw a total of 5 RV's with LSU memorabilia on them. And its only Thursday.
To quote a recent article I saw posted here... "They're coming, tickets be damned... They're coming!" Expect to see more LSU fans there than you're going to see at a Bama home game for a long time to come.
"tickets be damned.... they're coming!" so they are setting up a giant tv screen in the soccer stadium for those without tickets
not because of LSU fans i can promise you that. but it is a good opportunity to see a game in a stadium environment for free.
The forward reconn teams been there for weeks. The initial phase is complete, operation rolling tiger is underway. I will have to remain on base, however, to manage logistics and coordinate alcohol consumption. :tigereye: