The Roll Tide Roller Coaster Ride -Long Read

Discussion in 'The Tiger's Den' started by Tiger420, Dec 10, 2006.

  1. Tiger420

    Tiger420 Sell crazy someplace else, all stocked up here.

    Living here in Alabama it has always been fun to experience the fever of an entire State that has such passion for College Football. It has been especially fun over the last few years with the strong rivalry against Auburn and the run of success against Alabama. What has also been interesting from my perspective is the Coaching Roller Coaster down in T-Town.

    As LSU Fans, we are accustomed to a few changes. We've seen our share of good and bad coaching decisions and the buzz of activity that surrounds those transitions. Given the events of our last two changes, it has been curious to watch the chain of events over the last couple of weeks.

    The media has absolutely been running wild, rumors are flying and everyone has the "insider that says its a done deal". Sounds familiar. The difference between this situation and ours is that we didn't have a "done deal" announced, printed, broadcast, leaked or otherwise communicated that got shot down in the 11th hour during a press conference. Ouch.

    The pattern has been pretty consistent with our recent change. Coach and team separate, marquee names surface everywhere. Spurrier is coming! He's the man that will take this program back to the promised land. I heard several stories about the secret deal between UA and Spurrier. He already agreed, it's a done deal, he's coming to T-Town.

    Then there was Saban. Then there wasn't Saban, and now there's Saban again. The sports pages said that Saban wasn't happy in the NFL. He wants to get back to the College Game where he can teach again. He has a losing record, he's out of the playoffs (reported before they actually were out) he has nothing to gain down there. Saban says they never talked directly to him but they did talk to his agent. Either way, he has work to finish and is not interested. But the locals won't let go. Now that Rodriguez is off the table, the University reportedly can wait for Saban who would probably make a decision on Dec. 31. There is belief that Mal Moore went right back to Nick after Rich declined.

    In my opinion there are three things that are going to make this search difficult and unless changed will keep the headhunters busy for Bama for years to come. Here are my roller coaster features:

    The Media Loop
    You can't control the media you can only hope to contain them. Actually you can't contain them either. They're like a 2 year old in the middle of a candy store. These guys have had this thing all figured out from the beginning. Each coaching candidate has been a lock and they fuel the fans by putting it on every TV, Radio and Newspaper. Rich Rodriguez was emphatically announced as the new head coach in the papers Friday morning. Strike up the band and start the parade. That is until about 2:00 PM that afternoon. Now you have fans calling into the radio station talking about their plans to print up "Go To Hell Rod" bumper stickers.

    You have to play the media and use them to your advantage. Several people here feel that way and it's a great concept. Names like Spurrier and Saban are thrown about to send the media running like LSU Fans chasing a beer truck driven by strippers. Spurrier is off the diversionary tactics plan because he signed an extension. Saban, however, well he's still out there and that's why his name has come up again so that the University can conduct a search. Saban would now have to accept a job being Plan B, well that just aint gonna fly but it still keeps the spin going. The media, I think, was a partial influence in Rod's decision. No one likes being told what they are going to do. Least of all a football coach being told by the media.

    The Diehard Corkscrew
    Alabama Fans, like most other College Fans, are extremely proud of their University. The Boosters and others that are big spenders are very influential forces and are the ones you have to worry about. They keep their hands firmly and deeply placed into everything that goes on. Including spending a little money to influence high school prospects. This is not unique to Alabama, but I don't know that I have seen a more hands on group than this one. Just ask Mike Price what happens if they don't care for you. He wasn't doing anything different than any other booster would have done on a guys golfing weekend in Florida. Mike Price is the only one who's ever done that, shame on him. They didn't like him, they found their opportunity to ride him out of town.

    Fans aren't completely off the hook with my focus on the money men above. There were people that were calling in and criticizing Rodriguez's coaching performance before he even slapped a houndstooth on his head. (By the way, the cuties with houndstooth hats, boots and short skirts ... very nice!). If they're gonna bitch about you before you come ... well imagine what they'll say once you're here.

    It would have been interesting to watch the personality conflicts between Spurrier and these people. They would have been cheering their wins with clenched teeth. One good friend said it best, "they'd be selling their souls to the devil". Oh the tension would have been fun. I think it would be similar with Saban but for a different reason. Saban would demand total control and wouldn't hesitate to tell them to keep their butts out of his program. Not a bad concept. Isn't an Athletic Director kind of like an NFL GM in that respect? Shouldn't he run interference so the coach can coach? Either way that wouldnt sit well here.

    The Bryant Plunge
    The Bear was a great coach. I'll repeat with emphasis for effect. The Bear was a great coach. It's always tough to follow a legendary coach but usually that lasts about one coach before it fades and then the next guy in the door is relieved of the burden. The Bear's shadow is much bigger. The Bear, however, can't cast any more shadows because of his present location. It is now time to realize that it's a different game today. Bear Bryant would not have the same level of success if he were coaching right now. Why expect others to do the same?

    Alabama needs to learn patience. Alabama also needs to start looking for the guy that is going to build a quality program with a solid foundation that will have a great deal of stamina. Start looking long term. Find that coach who has a history founded in discipline, character and dedication. The guy that has equal standards for athletic and academic results. Whatever they do, they have to make better coaching decisions and leave Paul Bryant out of the equation.

    I don't mean for this to sound negative to Alabama. I really like the Tide and the fans and I make a couple of games a year (even when the Tigers aren't in town). They're a fun bunch who know how to throw a good party. They are, one and all, passionate about their team. I just found this particular coaching change interesting, I had a couple of extra shots of Crown in my coffee and I thought I'd write down a thought or two.

    Now I'm thirsty again!
  2. LSUTiga

    LSUTiga TF Pubic Relations

    I don't know why but this guy reminds me of bama fans right now...
  3. Jean Lafitte

    Jean Lafitte The Old Guard

    Very good. You are a heckuv writer, and I enjoyed reading your post, which is like an article.

    The metaphor about LSU fans chasing the beer truck was hilarious. Did you make that up or get it from elsewhere?


    :lsup: :crystal: LSU!
  4. Gulf Coast Tige

    Gulf Coast Tige Founding Member

    Didn't Alabama have a solid coach that was building a program and he dearly loved them and would never leave? Oh yeah, they fired him and now they have this mess. :cry: :bncry:
  5. cadillacattack

    cadillacattack Illegitimi non carborundum est

    ding ding ding ding ding ! We have a winnah! :thumb:

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