That is what worries me the most. Brodie throws a good deep ball. Hopefully our front four will not give him the time.
It's Bwodie or bust for the Tide offense. If his pass ain't there, LSU will stack the line and stop Darby. Bama hasn't scored an offensive touchdown since the Late Pleistocene.
Umm.. he did light all of them up with bombs.. in fact the 35+ yarder in TN was "game changing". Granted we did not visit the end zone, but he slung that ball all over the place. Remember, it may be ugly, but it's still 9-0.
Hey, my name may be TigerFanNTenn, but I'm a :laflagwav Louisiana born and raised girl. I got my education where it counted!:hihi:
LOL That explains why your posts are readable. How do you prevent the state of TN from dumbing you down?
I go home as often as possible, at least once a year. It's hilarious too, because my fiancee laughs at me when I get back. He says he can definitely tell that I've been to Louisiana because my accent comes back full force. Shrimp seems to be his favorite word for me to say.:lol: