Will be making my first trip to Oxford from Lafayette this year and was wondering if some of you veterans or maybe col Reb could tell me where to stay or where not to stay. Thinking of maybe driving back as far as Jackson if that's advisable. Have a print out of 15 hotels in the oxford area. Did not have reservations after the Georgia game last year thought I would just stop and get a room wherever on the way back. Boy was that a bad decision. No rooms to be found and ended up driving after the game from Athens non stop to Lafayette.
I haven't made reservations either. I'm thinking about staying in memphis...maybe at Elvis' old house 15 hotels in the oxford area? I thought they had only about 8?
Well I went to the Ole Miss Athletics web site and under visitor info or something along that line and it gave me a link to 15 places. About 5 of them are national names.
They're all sold out. Memphis is the closest with openings. There are some openings way south of oxford. But, since I'll be that close to memphis (and will probably visit graceland) I figured "why not stay there and party on Beale st?"
It's my understanding that you have to commit to a three night stay, and most will only let you reserve a room with a check. The owners all got together and set the rules, something like that. It's hard to cancel after you have sent in a check, rather than credit card. Unless you want to stay a couple of nights, any room will be hard to get. Anyone feel free to correct me if I'm wrong....
If I had a long weekend or time on my hands, I would go to Memphis. Maybe visit Graceland. Take my time coming home on Sun/Mon. If not, I would just come on south on I55 to Jackson or wherever I got tired. Enjoy......
2 years ago we got our hotel 2 nights before the game. I'll see if my friends remember the name of it, because I sure as hell dont.
I remember now!!! Its a town called Holly Springs, it is just north of Oxford right on Highway 7. It was a very easy and not much traffic on gameday. The hotel was the Magnolia Inn. Here is the # (662) 252-7770.