I have stated here many times that this is where this country is headed. The abortions on demand, the Schiavo deal.....it's building to a crescendo of killing the unwanted made easy. The old, the infirm, the handicapped, the innocent. We should be judged, and will be by God, for not how we treat the healthy.....but how we treat the sick. When the day comes and we as a country have allowed and many of us support whole-heartedly, the killing of the unwanted, we will all pay.
as a conservative Christian i have to disagree with the party line on the schiavo deal. my wife and i agree to pull each others' plugs if brain dead. i agree euthanasia is terrible in general though.
I don't agree with this. This goes beyond not letting life form or ending a life that had been lived and had nothing left. America will never let this happen. First trimester abortions will be the "worst" thing we will ever allow. Euthenasia... I can not say that I think it's wrong in all cases. If a person wants to die, I'm okay with letting them.