I heard the N.O. mayor say on the radio that martial law is definitely in effect. He said anybody found re-entering a closed will be assumed to be a looter.
My old First Sergeant said it best....There's good in every person...if nothing else, you can make an example out of them. HANG THEM ALL!!!!!!!!!
:rofl: :rofl: Just makes me sick to hear about it. I'm sure all you resourceful folks have found some news but here is what I'm watching. Doing the WWL feed. http://www.khou.com/perl/common/video/wmPlayer.pl?title=beloint_khou&props=livenoad
I would board them up in the store and make them fight their way out those bastards. Of course I'd be waiting outside with a gun to make sure they didn't succeed. I can't stand people who loot.
Guys, if you and your family were hungry enough, you'd go into a food store and take what you needed knowing it's wrong. But some of this stealing everything in these other stores "just to steal" deserve to be shot as looters, or arrested and thrown away for six months before they even see a judge. I hope Louisiana sends a tough message to looters (other than food/water theft). MINIMUM TEN YEARS HARD LABOR IN ANGOLA STATE PEN WITHOUT POSSIBILITY OF PAROLE!
Sure, I would take food if my family was starving. However, most of the looting took place within hours of the passing of the storm. I think this is a case of people taking advantage of what they see as free stuff. Case in point, from the ap story on the looting: I would probably view things a bit differently if people that were stranded by the water were looting the grocery 2 or 3 days from now and it didn't look like help was coming. But this isn't the case. "...get back at society" :dis: