LSU has the potential to beat a drum on this AU team IF 1. Jimbo does not call a conservative game plan. Deep early and often ... pick on that "bush-league" safety they have back there. Pass to set up the running lanes once AU is back on its heels and USE THE RUN SPARINGLY & WISELY EARLY. LOTSA SHORT PASSES (To 15 yds) RIGHT OVER THE MIDDLE. One of them will bust loose for a TD. COME OUT & THROW PASSES UNTIL THEY STOP YOU IN THE FIRST SERIES INCLUDING PASSES TO BACKS & TE. 2. Defense continues its swarming play and aggresive schemes ... Knock that midget Cox down every chance they get early ... Make that bastid bite his own tongue off ... take him out & THE FAT LADY SINGS FOR "BIG EARS" & THE BARNERS (LSU can lose JR & STILL KILL AU WITH FLYNN OR EVEN RP) ... key on their # 1 WR on third down ... Load the box up and wait for ... A) IRONS UP THE MIDDLE (BREAD & BUTTER FOR THIS GAME) NOTE: IF THEY GET STUFFED HERE ... AU WITHERS ON THE VINE B) IRONS & AU STUDENT BODY RIGHT NOTE: THEY CAN'T RUN LEFT ... THAT FRANKENSTEIN LT ... LOOK AT VIDEO C) REPEAT 1 & 2 NOTE: Their run tendencies will be as easily spotted as a Vieux Carre Hooker D) Cox throws on third down ... Passing Game WHEN AU CAN'T RUN ... NOT IF ... COX will have to throw 30 passes to keep this team even close in this game. They don't have a great receiver corps, Borges schemes use their limited talent & they use the spot pass and short hitches & "set-up" routes, and they use the RBs & even the TE (like we should do more of). THE KEY POINT HERE: THE RUSHING ATTACK FOR AU ON THE FIRST THREE SERIES WILL DICTATE THEIR PASSING GAME STRATEGY. THEY ALREADY SUSPECT THAT THEY WON'T HAVE GREAT SUCCESS THERE (A & B), BUT THEY WON'T GO TO PLAN B (PASSING ON 1ST DOWN) UNTIL ITS PROVEN LSU WILL STUFF THE RUN & FORCE 3RD & LONG (5+ YARDS) REPEATEDLY. LSU MUST STUFF THE RUN EARLY & PUT COX UNDER PRESSURE. (3 & OUT, 6 & OUT, ETC) ONCE THEY GET TO PLAN B ... LOOK FOR AU TO DO "ANYTHING" ... I LOOK FOR SIDELINE ANTICS WITH TUBBY OVER THERE ON BORGES AZZ LIKE GRAVY ON RICE ... THEY'LL TRY IT ALL: ... SHOTGUN FORMATION ... QUICK PASSES & HANDOFFS ... GO REPEATEDLY AT SANDERS WITH SHORT PASSES ... I'M LICKING MY CHOPS WAITING TO SEE COX ROLL OUT OR HAVE TO RUN 3. THE MOST CRITICAL PORTION OF GAMEPLAN. HEAD COACH INVOLVEMENT Miles game involvement must be CHEERLEADER & SIDELINE "POCKET-POOL". Keep this GUMP from doing anything to meddle in the Game Plan. Any deviation from # 3 whatsoever, combined with multiple turnovers will doom LSU. It's Miles "big chance" to shut up all the nay-sayers and doubters forever. All he's go to do is sit on that sideline, cheer his players and fidget with his nuts ... Can he do it ... I pray so ... :geauxtige