Funny how the Democrats loved when the NAACP went after Bush, now it looks like the are getting a little themselves. Rich, white, and wishy-washy. Just sounds like they are stating facts to me. GOP Ad On Black Radio Stations Calls Kerry 'Rich, White' Ad Criticizes Heinz For Highlighting South African Background POSTED: 11:38 am EDT August 12, 2004 A Republican-funded group is running ads on black radio stations in Ohio and four other competitive states calling Democrat John Kerry "rich, white and wishy washy" and criticizing Teresa Heinz Kerry for highlighting her South African background. People of Color United, an arm of a Washington-based group called DC Parents for School Choice, is spending $70,000 over three weeks to run the ads in inner cities in Ohio, Wisconsin, Michigan, Missouri and Pennsylvania. The group's president, Virginia Walden Ford, a Republican, said most of the money came from fellow Republicans with the largest contributor being J. Patrick Rooney, an insurance executive. "I'm really, really tired of the assumption that black people are going to vote for Democrats because that's what we've always done," she said. The Kerry campaign denounced the ads. One commercial said, "Our community doesn't need another wishy-washy, rich, white politician. And boy, does Kerry come across as rich, white and wishy-washy." Another said, "His wife says she's an African American. While technically true, I don't believe a white woman, raised in Africa, surrounded by servants qualifies."