LINK hahahaha None of the players have seen The Boot and couldn't care less. "It's the ugliest trophy I've ever seen," receiver Dwayne Bowe said. "I hope I don't have to carry it if we win. I first saw it on my official visit, and I still came to school here. I remember thinking, 'That is the ugliest trophy. Why is everybody all excited about it?" Defensive tackle Kyle Williams agreed. "We can win the game, but they can have it if they want," he said. "I don't think twice about The Boot," offensive tackle Andrew Whitworth said. "I've never touched it. Maybe since it's my last year, I'll walk by and put a pinky on it." "...They got it to the goal posts right here," Boniol said. "After the press conferences, we were looking for it in the locker room and couldn't find it. We went outside, and it was still there. No one wanted it." ""We're thinking of melting it down into ear rings, then selling them in the gift center," Vincent said, but he was joking. "It really doesn't have any long term sentimental value," a more serious Vincent said while a discarded LSU trophy sat at his office door. "The Boot is just a very large trophy. It could make for a great door stop."
I hate that stupid trophy. It is just a made up piece of hardware to try and propogate a rivalry. Its almost as bad as all of the "trophies" in the Big 10.
I remember the Hal Hunter game that the LSU football players were thrilled to have it. But now it seems to loose its value hahaha
I think they should make the loser keep the Boot it will motivate both teams to win the annual matchup even more.Noone wants to end up with it ...