Word is Oliver Stone is negotiating a deal for his new movie....."Tiger Spies" The man doesn't waste time.
OMG this is getting ridiculous. People need to deal with defeat in a gracious manner and not make false accusations or excuses. PATHETIC!!
I seem to remember Coach Saban commenting on that in a article before the Sugar Bowl. He said that when he was a young assistant coach at i believe Kent State, he was sent to spy on a oppenent's practice. He said he was paranoid the whole time. He saw the other team running the wishbone and was excited to see their gameplan. Well the team never ran anything he saw in practice and they wound up getting beat bad. So he said he would never spy again.
You know they have to make up excuses. They didn't believe we were that good before and they still don't
Thibodaux Tiger, I think that was against visor boy when he was at Duke. They came out passing and never ran the wishbone.