There was a comment about "Green Whores" in another thread and it reminded me of this. It makes you wonder exactly what a "green whore" is. Not necessarily a sex worker. Tony Blankley PDF of original study
Yep. the Heritage Foundation (with funding from Exxon-Mobil) has been promoting this paper and it has been commented on extensively. And negatively. Heritage Promotes ‘Completely Untrue’ Attack On Green Jobs NAVARRE: RENEWABLE ENERGIES Debunking The Spanish Study on The Dire Result of Green Jobs Creation
In the Star Trek universe, this is a green whore, also known as an Orion slave girl: BTW, that's Yvonne Craig, Batgirl from the Adam West "Batman" TV series, under the makeup.
i bet the green jobs booms will show up in the midwest. they need something up there and the wind blows quite a bit
Any job the government finances, "green" or not, will not be as effective as a job created by the free market. IMO, the only argument in favor of the government "creating jobs" is that it will lower the cost of the technologies until it becomes economically feasible in the free-market. And, at least theoretically, this shouldn't even be a good argument as the free market will make these investment decisions.
Generally speaking this would be true, but it is not a universal truth. A privately contracted army would not be as effective and extremely expensive as the experience with Blackwater has taught us as well as the history of mercenary armies in general. A privately contracted Treasury Department or IRS would open up a huge can of worms about potential corruption. The Post Office will deliver mail to me for 44 cents. Minimum of 4 bucks from UPS. A better generalization would be that most jobs will be more effective in the private sector if by "more effective" you mean making more profit in the free market. Jobs that are measured by criteria like vital national interests, institutional fairness, national responsibilities, permanency, and continuity from decade to decade are sometimes best performed by government agencies. We MUST have an military force whether it is profitable or not. We MUST have a postal system whether it is profitable or not. Certain government functions ARE FAR BETTER performed by those whose motives are NOT for profit, but for the essential mission at hand.
The counter to that is when these same entities don't even attempt to find profit through improved efficiency but simply raise prices. The post office keeps upping their costs, yet service delivery (and I'm not talking just mail delivery) hasn't improved much if at all. That is the birth of beaurocracy. Get bigger, not better.