The assimilation of the American Muslim

Discussion in 'Free Speech Alley' started by Jetstorm, May 5, 2004.

  1. Jetstorm

    Jetstorm Founding Member

    Sep 26, 2002
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    In the past, when America was the land of oppurtunity, and people from all over this planet came here in search of freedom, prosperity, and a better life for themselves and their children, the emphasis was on assimilation. Don't stand out. Don't be different. BE AMERICAN!

    But not for many American Muslims, who insist on changing OUR CULTURE to suit them, rather than the other way around.

    Apparently, the Muslims quoted in the article went there looking to RESIST ASSIMILATION into American culture and the American way of life. The Hamtramck Muslims have absolutely no intention of becoming part of the American mosaic, the melting pot. They will bitterly cling to their former culture and resist any attempt by "outsider infidels" to change or adapt it to the greater American culture.

    That speaks volumes about the Muslim community in Hamtramck and, I fear, America as a whole.

    Now immigrant groups resisting assimilation and clinging to their old ways is nothing new to America. We've seen this before with every immigrant group that came here; the Germans, the Irish, the Poles, the Italians, the Japanese, the Chinese, the Slavic peoples, and we're seeing it now with Hispanic/Latino peoples and Muslims. Their are always a few "die-hards," like when growing up your friend down the block had a grandmother who refused to speak any language but German/Polish/Italian. Usually, they die out, and the younger generations lose most of the "Old Country" values and traditions in favor of the latest pop music and fast food chain.

    The problem with Muslims, even moreso than Latinos, is that their defiance to assimilation goes way beyond refusing to speak English, join civic clubs, or live outside the ghetto/barrio/ethnic enclave. They have an agenda because they practice a faith and a way of life that many of them believe or have been taught to believe (by militant Wahabbi clerics on the payroll of our "friends", the Saudis, no less) is completely incompatible with American values, American freedom, and the American way of life. Therefore, when faced with the choice of fulling integrating into American culture, or resisting that culture, and even working to UNDERMINE the dominant culture, they choose the latter.

    And they choose the latter because, in our society that worships multi-culturalism and deference to non-Western ways out of guilt/fear for racism, they can get away with it. Whereas, in the past, immigrant groups could not. They had to adjust to American culture, or they and their children would have no future in this land.

    Throw in everything else we know about Islam and it's violent, expansionist, zero-compromise tendencies, and that leads to the conclusion that, rather than conform to our ways, one day, they will be forcing US to conform to their ways.

    It scares the heck out of me.
  2. JSracing

    JSracing Founding Member

    Nov 24, 2003
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    Amen brother, you speak/postthe truth. send them out/on to Ali or somewhere anywhere but here. I say send all illegal aliens home and do not issue any new visas until this crap is settled and then do it selectively
  3. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    But not for many American Muslims, who insist on changing OUR CULTURE to suit them, rather than the other way around.
    I would personnally take out American in this quote because Muslims are right and everbody else is wrong, they go overboard, if your not one of them then watch your
    That is whats wrong with Most Muslims and why you can't live with some of them on the planet.
    There will always be radicals that need to be exterminated before they kill you.

    There will NEVER be peace until the Muslim terrorists and ALL terrorists are killed.
  4. SabanFan

    SabanFan The voice of reason

    Oct 21, 2002
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  5. Sourdoughman

    Sourdoughman TigerFan of LSU and the Tigerman

    Oct 11, 2003
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    Good One SabanFan,

    That just illustrates how screwed up the whole world is.

    We don't want to make people hate us or step on any toes.......
    but yet they hate us already and Sept. 11 proves that.

    Anyone in this country who wants us to be friends with the world, buddy, buddy with
    everyone has some serious problems including politicians.
    We tried to be friends with the french, german and russians and the un and all they did
    was make special deals with Iraq behind our backs and vote against us.

    If there ever is another war in Europe I hope we don't waste any Americans trying to save the French or the Germans, I would say, Let the enemy have them...

    I would kick the UN's Ass out of the country after the oil for food scandal.
    Some people want the UN to help keep the peace but as soon as a fire fight comes up
    they run like cowards to safety.

    How is it that this little prison contraversy compares to anything else?
    Its all to do about nothing, it just helps the anti-war crowd and the Bush haters..
    Nothing else....

    Where were these people and countries when our people were killed, burned and dragged through the streets?

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