How do you know? Do you have a window into their heart? Muslims are commanded to force all unbelievers to submit to the authority of Islam by any and all means including deception. How do you know you aren't being deceived, especially when it is so obvious from the culmination of your posts that you are more than just a little gullible?
Dude, you need to take a look in the mirror because if anyone hates freedom it is most obviously you.
With all due respect, all devout Muslims hate non-Muslims because it is commanded of them to hate all unbelievers, and it is not like they have much choice in the matter, as Islam in stark contrast to faith based religions, forbids the freedom of conscience. Hence, Muslims can’t easily reject that commandment without exposing themselves to the penalty of death. Indeed, a Muslim who accepts that society need not be ordered as Allah via Mohammad ordered it, is not a Muslim.
i have compiled a list of people who are not buying that: me hey thats not bad i will take that. i talk to them all the time, they are from places like sri lanka and senegal and algeria. and they are very nice folks and i like them. thats true i am convinced you are right. one more time, please pay attention: No true Scotsman - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia " When faced with a counterexample to a universal claim, rather than denying the counterexample or rejecting the original universal claim, this fallacy modifies the subject of assertion to tautologically exclude the specific case or others like it" you are just redefining muslim to mean "really radical crazy muslim". there is no point. you dont define who is muslim. only i get to tell people what religion they are. you are jewish.
No. See that is it. I love freedom. I love it so much that I even care aboutt he freedom of people who think differently than me. That is kinda the point of freedom. It protects the stuff we hate. Nobody is out there trying to shut up the stuff they love. Do you even know any Muslims? I bet you have never been to lunch with one.
but that is what you are doing when you do not allow the mosque downtown. you are saying that they have opinions there that are not allowed. i guess you were not serious.
I'm not going to read this whole thread to figure who said what or where everyone stands. I think it is safe to say if 9/11 wouldn't have happened there wouldn't be any controversy about this mosque in downtown NYC. It seems a little ironic that Martin doesn't like religion but he is now defending Muslims and their religion!:rofl: I never thought I'd see that day!
are you just saying it would be nice if we could ban them from from building it, but we cant? trust me, i hate muslims. they are terrible. but not all of them! i cant bring myself to condemn all of them, in the exact same way i dont hate you christians for being wretched idiots. if there were a sect of christianity that liked to kill folks (and there is), i wouldnt hold it against you. do you simply not beleive that there are muslims who are sincere and are pro-america?