What so you want to see? Any Predictions? Speculation? I'd like to see the playbook opened up a bit. Throw downfield more. Get the ball to Early Doucet and let him roll. I am feeling really good about next year. :lsup: :champs:
Right now I am going to say 9-2 If Russell or Flynn somehow stand out and do VERY well early I say 10-1
As good as I may feel about the offense opening up and putting Russell in an environment where he can thrive, I have just as much reservation on the defensive end of things. Not too interested watching LSU win 38-35.
A win is a win. Plus IMO, there are far too many great athletes on the field to have a poor Defense. I am not worried. LM is a smart guy he wont F this up....at least he better not
For me, I am not that worried about the defense at all. As shown with Saban, the defense can be beaten even with the best schemes. I really think that Russell needs to work hard this off-season. I have heard through some friends of mine that Saban and Russell rammed heads about his practice habits during the year and that worries me.
Hrmmmmm...... An explosive offense to match the dominant defense we've had as of late. Oh, and can we of course keep that dominant defense too? Please? That's all I want to see.. Well.... There is this certain game I would like tos ee LSU play in too..........
Interesting. I would think that Saban wouldn't put up with sh!it from anyone, much less a red-shirt freshman.
I don't mean that Russell was being lazy but more along the lines that Russell wasn't putting out that extra effort. I am sure others will bash me for it and such...but the people who told me this were basically there every day so take that for what you want.
just opened a thread on this very subject with this same info. should delet immediately.:angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: with responses from you!!!
We will lose 4 games this year. If the rumor about Campo as DC is true, it may be more. I hope I'm wrong but I think it's gonna be a tough first year for our new coach.